288 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 288 "TO APPOINT A COMMISSIONER TO TAKE THE CENSUS OF THE VILLAGE OF SPRINGFIELD". WHEREAS certain inhabitants have petitioned this Council to appoint a person to take the census of the Village of Springfield in the said County of Elgin. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin under authority of the Municipal Institutions Act - That Robert Scott,Esquire be appointed to take the census of the Village of Springfield. And that said census be returned to this Council by the fourth Tuesday in January A. D. 1876. St. Thomas 16 November 1876. George Suffel Warden Read a first time 16 November 1876. Read a second time 16 November 1876. Read a third time and passed 16 November 1876. Certified W. McKay Clerk