323 " COUNTY OF ELGIN 323 By-Law No :~o RAISE TH:!LSUM OF ..1'.HIRTY-FIYE. THOUSAND,]IVE HUNDRED AN~EIFTY-ITINE._~OLLARS EQR_COUNTY ~URPOSE.S I~THE COUN~I-0F ELQIIT THOUSAtl~EIGH~_HUNDRED AN~êEVENTY-NIITE.· 1879 EQR--'IHE YEA!LQNE June WHEREAS an estimate has been made as required by the 13th. Section of the Assessment Act of 1869, of all sums required for the lawful purposes of the County for the year 1879 exclusive of schools as follows: Passed 12 3,139 2,000 500 2,800 1,150 1,000 3,000 etc. 2,500 -¡¡;__:J:.2Q .,35,559 Southern Railway Debentures Southern Railway Coupons Gaol Improvements Debentures & Coupons Administration of Justice Payment of Jurors County . Line §. Bri"dges High Schools Examiner & Inspector Criminal Witnesses House of Industry Officers Salaries Indigent Lunatics 000 900 420 , , , $10 6 2 of Schools Wages Members AND WHEREAS it will be necessary to levy a rate or rates of two and one fifth mills in the dollar on the rateable property in the several Municipalities as equalized the previous year amounting to the sum of sixteen millions, one hundred and sixty-three thousand, five hundred and fifty-two dollars to raise said amount of thirty-five thousand, five hundred and fifty-nine dollars. BE IT THEREFORE enactéd by the Corporation of the County of Elgin in County Council assembled and under the authority aforesaid, that the sum of sixteen thousand nine hundred dollars be raised for Southern Railway Debentures and Coupons and that a rate of one mill, and one twentieth of a mill in the dollar be levied on the rateable property in the said County to raise said amount of sixteen thousand, nine hundred dollars. (Cont'd) By-Law No. 323 Page 2 AND that the sum of eighteen thousand, six hundred and fifty-nine dollars be raised in the said County for the lawful purposes thereof, and that a rate of one mill and three twentieths of a mill in the dollar will be reqûired to be levied on the rateable property in said County to raise said amount of eighteen thousand, five hundred and ninety dollars. AND IT IS ALSO enacted that the said amounts shall be raised in the several Municipalities in the County as per schedule hereunto and the full amounts paid to the County Treasurer as per schedule hereunto, and the full amounts paid over to the County Treasurer as by law required and without any deduction whatever. SCHEDULE Municipalities Railway Bonus General Totals Rate Rate --- - Aldborough 1911 2093 4004 Dunwich 2226 2439 4665 Southwold 3378 3700 7078 Yarmouth 3491 3969 7460 Malahide 2540 2784 5324 South Dorchester 1418 1553 2971 Bayham 1307 1432 2739 Vienna 79 88 167 Aylmer 367 403 770 Port Stanley 93 101 194 Springfield __2.0 __9:1- 181-- $16,900 18,659 $35,559 AND IT IS enacted that this By-Law shall be in force and take effect from and after the passing thereof. St. Thomas T.W. Kirkpatrick County of Elgin Warden 12 June 1879 William McKay Clerk Read a first time 12 June 1879 Read a second time 12 June 1879 Read a third time and passed 12 June 1879 Certified W. McKay Clerk