325 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 325 "TO APPOINT AN ARBITRATOR TO DETERMINE THE AMOUNT TO BE PAID BY THE TOWN OF ST. THOMAS. TO THE COUNTY FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICEL-USE OF COURT HOUSE AND JAIL FOR THE NEXT FIVE YEARS: WHEREAS the agreement entered into between the County and Town of St. Thomas having expired it is necessary that a new agreement be entered into for the next five years, to determine the amount to be paid by the Town to the County of Elgin for their share of Administration of Justice, Use of Gaol and Court House and expenses of Registry Office. AND WHEREAS IT IS deemed expedient to appoint an Arbitrator on behalf of this County to act with a person to be appointed by the Town of st. Thomas to determine the amount required to be paid by said Town to the County during the next five years for the Administration of Justice, Use of Gaol and expenses of Registry Office. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin in County Council assembled that James Armstrong, Reeve of Westminster be and is hereby appointed by the County of Elgin an Arbitrator to determine the amount to be paid by the Town of St. Thomas to the County of Elgin during the next five years, for the Administration of Justice Use of Gaol and Court House and expenses of Registry Office. AND IT IS enacted that this By-Law shall be in force and take effect from and after the passing thereof St. Thomas John McCausland 13 June 1879 William McKay Clerk Read a first time 13 June 1879 Read a SEPO'ld time 13 June 1879 Read a third time passed finally IJ June 1879 Certified W. McKay Clerk