332 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 332 "TO APPOINT A BOARD OF AUDIT IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE YEAR 1880". Passed 29 January 1880. WHEREAS under the second section of the Act 33 Victoria chapter eight of the Statutes of the Province of Ontario for 18$9, each County Council is requested to appoint annually at the first meeting a Board of Audit composed of the Chairman of the Court of General Sessions of the Peace, and two other persons, not more than one of whom being a member for the time being of such County Council. BE IT THEREFORE enacted under the authority aforesaid, by the Corporation of the County of Elgin in County Council assembled- THAT David John Hughes, Chairman of the General, Sessions of the Peace, George Edward Hegler and John A. Kains be and are hereby appointed a Board of Audit får such accounts and demands as shall be delivered on the first day of the sitting of the Coutt of General Sessions of the Peace or of Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delivery during the year 1880. AND THAT the person is appointed to serve on the Board shall be paid the sum of two dollars each for their services and attendance at each audit and ten cents per mile travelled to the Court House. St. Thomas J. Martin January 1880 William McKay Clerk Read a first time 29 January 1880 Read a second time 29 January 1880 Read a third time 29 January 1880 Certified W. McKay Clerk