344 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-:Law No. 344 TO RAISE AMOUNTS FOR COUNTY RATES DURING THE YEAR 1881" Passed 9th June 1881. WHEREAS IT IS deemed expedient to raise amounts required for County rates required for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1881. WHEREAS IT IS recited under the 71st Section of Chapter 180 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. THAT the Council of a County in apportioning County rates among the different Municipalities, Townships and Vill- ages, within the County shall in order the same may be assess- ed equally on the whole rateable property of the County make the amount of property returned on the Assessment Roll of such Townships and Villages as reported as finally revised and equalized for the preceding year the basis upon which the apportionment is made. AND WHEREAS an estimate has been made of the sums required for the lawful purposes of the County for present year shewing that the sum of thirty-eight thousand five hun- dred and sixty-two will require to be raised for the several Municipalities for County purposes during the present year exclusive of schools. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin in County Council assembled and under the authority aforesaid. THAT the sum of four thousand one hundred and thirty- five dollars be raised and levied in the Township Municipalities in the County during the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one for the Common Schools in the Townships only and that a rate of two mills and four tenth mills in the dollar be levied on the rateable in the County to raise said amounts as follows: For Railway Bonus Debentures $15,700 General County purposes 22,862 $38,562 BE IT ALSO enacted that the said sum of thirty- eight thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars be raised and levied in the said several Municipalities in the County (Cont'd) By-Law No 344 Page 2 of Elgin according to the schedule hereunto annexed and that the amounts as therein be paid over to the County Treasurer as be law required. AND IT IS ALSO enacted that the said rates shall be levied and apportioned upon the rateable property in the Municipalities as equalized for the preceding year. AND IT $S ALSO enacted that the sum of four thou- sand one hundred and thirty-five be apportioned and raised in the several Townships in the County for Common Schools as notified by the Education Department to be raised equi- valent to the Government Grant as shewn.:in the schedule an- nexed hereto. William McKay M. Payne County Clerk Warden Read a first time 9 June 1881 Read a second time 9 June 1881 Read a third time and passed 9th June 1881 Certified W. McKay Clerk (Cont'd) See copy of schedule attached. Page 3 Common Totals Schools - 655 4,983 544 5,667 706 8,306 735 8,876 562 6,389 248 3,489 685 3,663 172 756 202 194 135 2' 97 RaHway Rates 1,803 2,135 3,167 3,392 2,428 1,241 1,350 72 315 84 81 SCHEDULE General Co Rate 2,525 2,988 4,433 4,749 3,399 1,737 1,891 100 441 118 113 344 By-Law No Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide S. Dorchester Bayham Vienna Aylmer Port Stanley Springfield