351 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 351 TO AUTHORIZE THE COUNTY TREASURER TO EXPEND CERTAIN COUNTY MONIES" . Passed July 7th 1881 IT IS HEREBY enacted the County Council of the County of Elgin in County Council assembled that the newly appointed Treasurer John McCausland Esquire be authorized in connection with the Warden of the County to negotiate the loan of Fifteen Thousand Dollars at the Molsons Bank in St. Thomas as per resolution of the Council passed in June last and to payout of the proceeds of the same the several sums drawn on the credit of the County since the meeting in June, namely all cheques which have been signed by the Warden and late Treasurer John A. Kains Esquire. And that the balance of the loan be at the disposal of the County Treasurer for legitimate County purposes. St. 'l'homas July 7th 1881 M. Payne Warden Read a first time 7th July 1881 Read a second time 7th July 1881 Read a third time and passed 7 July 1881 Certified W. McKay Clerk