352 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 352 TO CONFIRM BY-LAW NUMBER 289 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH Passed 17th November 1881. WHEREAS By-law number 289 of the Township of Dun- wich was passed on the 27th day of May 1881 to sell and dis- pose of the allowance .for road on the south half of lot number fourteen in the 1:;enthconcession of the Township of Dunwich. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin in County Council assembled that By-law num- ber 289 of the Township of Dunwich be and is hereby confirmed. St. Thomas 17th November 1881. Wm. McKay Manuel Payne County Clerk Warden Read a first time 17th November 1881 Read a second time 17th November 1881 Read a third time and finally passed 17th November 1881 Certified William McKay County Clerk Note Attached a copy of Township of Dunwich By-law No 289 (Cont'd) Page 2 352 By-Law No TOWNSHIP OF DUNWICH 289 By-Law No A BY-LAW TO DISPOSE OF THE ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD ON THE SOUTH IN THE TENTH CONCESSION OF THE HALF OF LOT NUMBER FOURTEEN TO~NSHIP OF DUNWICH WHEREAS the allowance for road on the south half of lot fourteen in the tenth concession of the Township of Dun- wich extending from the road allowance between the tenth and eleventh ~oncessions northerly to the Talbot Road is in the opinion of the Municipal Council of the Township of Dunwich useless to the public and should be disposed of. The parties adjoining said road allowance having applied to said Council to have said road allowance sold and disposed of. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Dunwich in Council assembled - That the allowance for road on lot fourteen in the tenth concession of the Township of Dunwich extending northerly from the road allowance between the tenth and eleventh conces- sions to the Talbot Road be sold by the Council of the said Township of Dunwich, said road allowance being described as follows:- Commencing at a point in the southerly limit of the road allowance between the tenth and eleventh concessions, fif- teen chains and ninety seven links easterly from the south west angle of said lot fourteen thence north fifty two degrees west along the westerly limit of said road thirteen chains and six links more or less to the Talbot Road and having a width on the easterly side of this line of two and one half rods and containing eighty one-one hundredths of an acre more or less. Passed in open Council this twenty seventh day of 1881 D A May Reeve Leitch J Signed A Municipal Clerk I, Thomas Urquhart, Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Dunwich, certify the annexed to be a true and cor- rect copy of By-law No. 289 of the Township of Dunwich as passed at the sittings of Council held in the Town Hall, Wallace- town on Friday the 27th day of May A. D. 1881. Urquhart Signed Thos 1881 of October A.D Thos Urquhart Municipal Clerk this 24th day Dated at Wallacetown