359 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 359 "TO CONFIRM BY-LAW NUMBER 389 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH Passed 26th January 1882. WHEREAS By-Law number 389 of the Township of Yar- mouth was passed on the third day of October A. D. 1881 to close up and dispose of that portion of the original road allowance between the seventh and eighth concessions of the Township of Yarmouth extending from the gravel road west to Kettle Creek is in the opinion of the Municipal Council of the Township of Yarmouth useless to the public and should be closed up and sold. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the County of Elgin in County Council assembled. That By-Law No. 389 of the Township of Yarmouth be and is hereby confirmed. St. Thomas 26 January 1882 W. McKay J. B. Mills County Clerk Warden Read a first time 27 January 1882 Read a second time 27 January 1882 Read a third time and finally passed 26 January 1882 Certified W. McKay County Clerk Note: Attached is a copy of Township of Yarmouth By-Law No. 389 (Cont'd) By-Law No, 359 Page 2 TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH By-Law No. 389 "TO CLOSE UP AND DISPOSE OF PART OF THE ALLOWANCE OF ROAD BETWEEN THE SEVENTH AND EIGHTH CONCESSIONS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH". Passed 3rd October 1881. WHEREAS that portion of the original allowance for road between the seventh and eighth concessions of the Township of Yarmouth extending from the gravel road west to Kettle Creek is in the opinion of the Municipal Council of the Township of Yarmouth useless to the public and should be closed up and sold. The parties adjoining said road allowance have applied to said Council to have said road allowance closed up and disposed of. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Corporation of the Township of Yarmouth in Township Council assembled - That that portion of the original allowance for road between the seventh and eighth concessions of the Township of Yarmouth extending westerly from the Port Stan- ley gravel road to the centre of Kettle Creek be closed up and sold by the Township Council of the said Township of Yarmouth said portion of said road allowance being six hundred and ninety three feet in length and sixty three feet in width and containing one acre and five hundredths of an acre more or less. And that the Reeve is hereby authorized to execute conveyances for said lands and attach the seal of the Corp- oration thereto. (Signed) James Hepburn Reeve Yarmouth Centre October 3rd 1881 Signed William McKay Clerk