383 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 383 "TO APPOINT TRUSTEES OF HIGH SCHOOLS MAKE APPROPRIA:rIONS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID SCHODLS AND GRANT AID TO COUNTY MODEL SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD ONE THOUSAND EIGH'f HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-FOUR". Passed 24 January 1884. WHEREAS under Section numbers tw~nty and twenty- nine of Chapter two hundred and five and under Section number eighty-nine of Chapter two hundred and four of the Revised Statutes of Ontario and amending Acts. Every County Council is required at its first meet- ing to appoint Trustees to fill vacanóiès;caused by the annual retirement of Trustees of High Schools within their Jurisdic- tion. To make appropriations for the maintenance of said schools and to grant aid to County Model Schools. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Corpor- ation of the County of Elgin in Council assembled and under the authority aforesaid. That Rev. G. Wye be and is hereby appointed Trustee of the Vienna High School for the term of three years. That Sheldon Ward Esqr. be and is hereby appointed Trustee of the Aylmer High School for the term of three years That the following sums be granted to the High Schools in the County for the present year. To the Vienna High School the sum of nine hundred dollars. To the Aylmer High School the sum of nine hundred dollars. And to the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute the sum of seventeen hundred dollars. That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be granted towards the maintenance of the Model School of St. 'rhomas ( C ont ' d) By-Law No. 383 Page 2 Said amounts be granted on condition that County Pupils are admitted to said schools free of charge. AND IT IS further enacted that the sum of one hun- dred dollars be granted to the Inspector of Public Schools for postages, stationery and travelling expenses for the cur- rent year. St. Thomas A. J. Leitch 24th January 1884 Warden K. W. McKay County Clerk Read a first time 24 January 1884 Read a second time 24 January 1884 Read a third time and finally passed 24 January 1884 Certified K. W. McKay County Clerk