391 COUNTY OF ELGIN 391 By-Law No 1884 Passed 6th June 1884 AMOUNTS FOR COUNTY RATES DURING THE YEAR "TO RAISE WHEREAS IT IS recited under the 71st Section of 180 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario. Chapter THAT the Council of a County in apportioning County Rates among the different Municipalities, Townships and Villages in the County, shall in()order that the same may be assessed equally on the whole rateable property of the County make the amount of property returned on the Assessment Roll of such Municipality as reported finally revised and equalized for the preceeding year the basis upon which the apportionment is made. AND WHEREAS as estimate has been prepared showing that the sum of forty-one thousand nine hundred and ninety dollars is required to be raised in the several Municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County during the present year. AND WHEREAS the Government has given notice that the sum of three thousand six hundred and forty-seven dollars being an amount equivalent to the Government Grant should be raised in the Township Municipalities of the County for Common Schools. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. 1st. That a rate of two and five eighths mills in the dollar be levied on all the rateable property in the several Municipalities of the County of Elgin as equalized for the year 1883. To raise the following amounts. $14,200 27.790 $41,900 For Debentures & Coupons " General County Purposes Total 2nd. That the sum of three thousand six hundred and forty-seven dollars be raised and levied in the sev- eral Township Municipàlities of the County being an amount equivalent to the Government Grant to the Common Schools of the Township in the County of Elgin. (Cont'd) By-Law No. 391 Page 2 3rd. That the said sum of forty-£ive thousand six hundred and thirty-seven dollars be raised and levied in the several Municipalities in the County according to the "Sched- ule" hereunto annexed. And that the amounts as ther?inbepaid(over t.o the County Treasurer as by Law required. Schedule Municipalities General Railway Common Total Co. Rates '",.Rate Schools Aldborough 3,134 1,601 619 5,354 Dunwich 3,710 1,897 503 6,110 Southwold 5,499 2,811 586 8,897 Yarmouth 5,892 3,010 618 9,519 Malahide 4,193 2,142 538 6,873 Bayham 2,022 1,032 557 3,611 S. Dorchester 2,364 1,208 226 3,798 Vienna 126 63 189 Aylmer 564 289 853 Pt. Stanley 146 74 220 Springfield 141 72 213 Totals 27,790 14,200 3,647 45,637 St. Thomas June 1884 A. J. Leitch County Clerk Wardèn Read a first time and passed 6th June 1884 Read a seond time and passed 6th June 1884 Read a third time and finally passed 6th June 1884 Certified K. W. McKay County Clerk