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393 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 393 "TO CONFIRM BY-LAW NUMBER 419 OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH Passed 6th June 1884. WHEREAS By-Law Number 419 was passed by the Muni- cipal Council of the Township of Yarmouth on the 10th day of September 1883, to close up and dispose of part of the orig- inal allowance for road between lots numbers three and four in the third Concession of the said Township. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin. That By-Law Number 419 of the Township of Yarmouth be and is hereby confirmed. Council Chamber St. Thomas þth June 1884 K. W. McKay A. J. Leitch County Clerk Warden Read a first time and passed 6th June 1884 Read a second time and passed 6th June 1884 Read a third time and finally passed 6th June 1884 Certified K. W. McKay County Clerk (Cont'd) By-Law No. 393 Page 2 TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH By-Law No. 419 "TO Cr.oSE UP AND DISPOSE OF PART OF THE ORIGINAL ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD BETWEEN LOTS NUMBERS THREE AND FOUR IN THE THIRD CONCESSION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTH". Passed 10th September 1883 WHEREAS IT IS considered expedient by the Muni- cipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Yar- mouth to close up and dispose of part of the original allowance for road between lots numbers three and four in the third Concession. AND WHEREAS the parties owning the property ad- joining said street have applied to have it closed up and disposed of. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Municipal Council of the Township of Yarmouth. That that portion of the original allowance for road between lots numbers three and four in the third con- cession commencing at the place where said original allow- ance for road joins the road allowance between the second and third Concession thence north to the southerly limit of the property, belonging to School Section number nine be closed up and disposed of. And that the Reeve is hereby authorized to execute conveyances for said lands and attach the seal of the Corpor- ation thereto. Yarmouth Centre 10th September 1883 K. W. McKay J. A. Miller Township Clerk Reeve