400 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 400 "TO FIX THE AMOUNT TO BE PAID TO SCHOOL SECTION NUMBER 14 SOUTHWOLD FOR THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN FROM THE ELGIN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY". Passed 21st November ll884. BE IT enacted by the County Council of the County of Elgin. That the sum of seventy-five cents per month be paid to School Section Number 14 Southwold for the education of children sent from the Elgin House of Industry and refuge. That the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the same on certificate of the Keeper and Inspector of the said House of Industry. That this By-Law take effect from and after the date of the passing thereof. St. Thomas A. J. Leitch 21st November 1884 Warden K. W. McKay County Clerk Read a first time and passed 21st Nov. 1884 Read a second time and passed 21st Nov. 1884 Read a third time and finally passed 21st Nov. 1884 Certified K. W. McKay County Clerk