414 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 414 "TO FIX THE SALARY OF THE MATRON OF THE ELGIN COUNTY GAOL," Passed 5th June 1885. THE Corporation of the County of Elgin in County Council assembled hereby enacts I" That the salary of Mrs. N. W. Moore for services as Matron of the County Gaol be two hundred dollars per an- num commencing on the first day of July A.D. 1885. IIi That all By-Laws heretofore passed in this be- half be and the same are hereby repealed. Council Chamber St. Thomas 5 June 1885 K. W. McKay Samuel S. Clutton County Clerk Warden Received and read a first time, 5 June 1885. Read a second time, 5 June 1885 Read a third time and finally passed, 5 June 1885 Certified K. W. McKay, County Clerk