430 COUNTY OF ELGIN 430 By-Law No. . 1886 RATES DURING THE YEAR RAISE AMOUNTS FOR COUNTY TO 359 Passed 4th June 1886 WHEREAS under the authority of Section No. and 361 of the Consolidated Municipal Act of 1883 and Section 71 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario - The Council of a County in apportioning a County rate among the different townships, towns and villages within the County shall, in order that the same may be assessed equally on the whole rateàble property of the County, make the amount of property returned on the Assessment Rolls of such townships, towns and villages or reported by the valuators as finally revised and equaliz- ed for the preceding year, the basis upon which the appor- tionment is made. AND WHEREAS the Council of every County or local Municipality shall every year make estimateß of all sums which may be required for the lawful purposes of the County or local Municipality ~or the year in which such sums are required to be levied. AND WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that a sum of forty-two thousand, seven hundred and ninety- seven dollars is required to be raised in the several Municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County dur- ing the present year. AND WHEREAS the Government has given notice that the sum of three thousand, four hundred and fifty-one dol- lars being an amount equivalent to the Government Grant, should be raised in the Township Municipalities of the County for Common Schools. Therefore the Council of the Municipal Corpor- ation of the County of Elgin enacts I That a rate of two and seven tenths mills in the dollar be levied on all the rateable property in the several Municipalities of the County of Elgin as equaliz- ed for the year 1885. i13'OOO .. 29,797 42,797 To raise the following amountsf For debentures and coupons General County purposes Total II That the sum of three thousand, four hundred and fifty-one dollars be raised and levied in the several Township Municipalities in the County being an amount ) (Cont'd By-Law No. 430 Page 2 equivalent to the Government Grant to the Common Schools of the Townships in the County of Elgin. III THAT the sum of forty-two thousand, seven hun- dred and ninety-seven dollars be raised and levied in the several Municipalities in the County according to the schedule hereto annexed and that the amounts as therein be paid over to the County Treasurer as by law required. Schedule Municipalities General Railway Common Total Rate Rate Schools Aldborough ),392 1,479 602 5,473 Dunwich 4,014 1,751 480 6,245 Southwold 5,958 2,599 557 9,114 Yarmouth 6,117 2,662 600 9,)79 Malahide 4,543 1,974 519 7,035 Bayham 2,187 95 480 3,621 South Dorchester 2,558 1,116 213 3,887 Vienna 132 57 189 Aylmer 610 267 877 Pt. Stanley 151 66 217 Springfield 147 64 211 Totals $29,809 $12,988 $3,451 $46,248 St. Thomas 4 June 1866 James Hepburn Warden K. W. McKay Co. Clerk Received and read a first, second and third time and finally passed 4th June 1886. Certified K. W. McKay Co. Clerk