437 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 437 TO APPOINT TRUSTEES FOR HIGH SCHOOLS MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF SAID HIGH SCHOOLS AND GRANT AID TO COUNTY MODEL SCHOOL IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE YEAR 1887". Passed 29th January 1887. WHEREAS by Section 174 of Chapter 49 of the Public Schools Act of 1885 and by Sections 15, 32 and 33 of Chapter 50 of the High·Schools Act of 1885, every County Council is required to appoint Trustees of High Schools and grant aid to High and Model Schools in the County. BE IT enacted by the County Council of the County of Elgin under the authority aforesaid that the following Trustees be appointed for the Vienna High School George Thornton Esq. tor a term of one year, H. T. Godwin Esq, for a term of two years and William Backhouse Esq, for a term of three years. That J. C. Dance be appointed Trustee of the Aylmer High School for a term of three years. That the following Trustees be appointed for the Dutton High School - Daniel McLaven Esq. for a term of two years and A. N. C. Black Esq. and Peter Stalker Esq. for a term of three years. That the following sums be granted to the High Schools in the County for the present year: To the Dutton High School the sum of one thou- sand, four hundred and fifty dollars. To the Aylmer High School one thousand, seven hundred dollars, To the Vienna High School seven hundred and fifty dollars. (Cont'd) By-Law No. 437 Page 2 Said amounts to be granted on condition that all County pupils are admitted to said schools free of charge and That the sum of one thousand, two hundred dollars be grant- ed to the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute. That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars be granted to the St. Thomas Model School on condition that County pupils are admitted free. AND IT IS further enacted that the sum of one hundred dollars be granted to Watkin Public School Inspector for postage, stationery and travelling expenses during the present year. Council Chamber St. Thomas 4th January 1887 J. C. Dance Warden K. W. McKay County Clerk Received and read a first, second and third time and finally passed 29th January 1887. Certified K. W. McKay Co Clerk