449 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 449 "TO _ilPPOINT_!LTRUSTâ1LEQR THE_il YLMâLHIGH_.êCHOOL_:J:º-EH1 :{ACilNC L CA]:!.êâJL!2.L:J:1:!â--12EATH_ OF T. M. NAI R!iJ!!..:..:E..:..:E· .. . Passed 8th June 1888. BE IT enacted by the County Council of the County of Elgin under the authority of the High School Act. That David Marshall be and is hereby appointed Trustee of the Aylmer High School for the year 1888. Council Chamber D. Turner St. Thomas Warden 8 June 1888 K.W. McKay County Clerk Received and read a first, second and third time and finally passed 8 June 1888 Certified K. W McKay County Clerk