462 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 462 TO AUTHORIZE THE WARDEN TO APPOINT AN ARBITRATOR TO SETTLE PROPORTION PAYABLE BY COUNTY OF ELGIN TOWARDS EXPENSE OF BOTHWELL BRIDGE". Passed November 1889. WHEREAS by section 535 of the Municipal Act of 1887, it is provided - That it is the duty of County Councils to erect and maintain a bridge over a river forming or crossing a boundary line between two or more Counties, such bridge shall be erected and maintained by the Councils of the Counties respectively and in case the Councils fail to agree as to the respective portions of the expense to be borne by the Municipalities interested, it shall be the duty of each to appoint arbitrators as provided by this act to determine the proportionate amount to be paid by each and the award made shall be final. AND WHEREAS by section 386 of said act, the arbitrators on behalf of a Municipal Corporation shall be appointed by the Councilor by the head thereof if auth- orized by a By-Law of the Council. The County Council of the County of Elgin en- acts - That the Warden be and is hereby authorized to appoint an arbitrator to act on behalf of this County if the Counties interested cannot agree as to the respective portions of the expense of erection and maintaining the Bothwell Bridge to be paid by each. Council Chamber St. Thomas 22nd November 1889. K. W. McKay H. T. Godwin County Clerk Received and read a first, second and third time and finally passed 22 November 1889. Certified K. W. McKay County Clerk