463 COUNTY OF ELGIN 463 By-Law No Tº-CONFIRM THE EQUALIZATION OF THE ASSESSMENT ROLLS OF THE " 188 COUNTY OF ELGIN FOR THE YEAR Passed 22nd November 1889 THE County Council of the County of Elgin enacts Assess- THAT the follöwing be the equalization of the ment Rolls of the County of Elgin for 1889 Equalized Value Assessed íValue Municipality 891,350 095,190 865,200 085,064 301,000 108,560 314,726 361,000 57,000 68,400 69,350 216.840 1, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, 1, $15, 015 695 935 006 185 590 855 561 236 760 800 638 1,570, 1,885, 2,551, 2,699, 1,929, 1,103, 1,072, 692, 78, 98, 78, $13,760, Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth Malahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Vienna Port St Springf anley ield Council Chamber St. Thomas 22nd November 1889 H. T. Godwin Warden McKay Clerk K. W. County third time and finally County Clerk second and Received and read a first, passed, 22nd November 1889. Certified K. W. McKay,