469 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 469 "TO APPOINT MALCOLM CAMPBELL TO TAKE THE CENSUS OF THE UNIN- CORPORATED VILLAGE OF DUTTON AND ITS IMMEDIATE NEIGHBORHOOD." Passed 31st January 1890. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts r. That Malcolm Campbell of the Township of Southwold be and is hereby appointed to take the census of the Unincorporated Village of Dutton and its immediate neigh- borhood which comprises the following lands. The south east three quarters of lots numbers twelve and thirteen and the south east half of the south east half of lot humber fourteen in Concession "A" and the north west three quarters of the north west half of lots numbers twelve and thirteen in the fifth concession south of Concession "A" II. That the said Malcolm Campbell be paid the sum of three dollars per day for each day he is actually engaged in taking the .sà,id.:censu¡3,in preparing his report and sub- mitting the same to this Council which he is hereby required to do at the June Session 1890. III. That this By-Law be in force and take effect when a Bond is executed to the satisfaction of the Warden and County Solicitor to indemnify the·Oounty against payment of any expense they may be put to èither directly or indi~ rectly b~ reason of this By-Law. Council Chamber St. Thomas 31st January 1890 K. W. McKay J. J. Stalker County Clerk Warden Received and read a first, second and third time and finally passed 31st January 1890. Certified K W. McKay, County Clerk