By-Law No. 475
EQ1L!!:f!LlY!AINTE!iANCE-ºF S£ID_SCHQQLS AND-1lli£!i!--.£ID_!Q_!,!!ODEL
âQ.H001 IN--!!:i1LQ.OUNTY Q:LELGI!i]OR 1821".
Passed 30th January 1891
WHEREAS by section 173 of chapter 225 and
sections 15, 32 and 33 and 34 of chapter 226 of the
Revised Statutes of Ontario every County Council is
required to appoint Trustees of High Schools and grant
aid to High and Model Schools in the County. The County
Council of the County of Elgin therefore enacts.
That George Thornton be appointed Trustee of the
Vienna High School for a term of three years.
That Dr. J.J. Kingston be appointed Trustee of
the Aylmer Collegiate Institute for a term of three years.
That all appointments of Trustees for Dutton
High School heretofore made be and are hereby cancelled
and that Duncan Buchanan be appointed Trustee for one
year. G.W. Ling M.D. for two years and Dugald McLean
for three yea.rs.
That the following sums be granted to ~he different
High Schools in the County for the year 1891, on condition
that all County pupils are admitted to said schools free
of charge.
Aylmer Collegiate Institute, one thousand, nine
hundred dollars.
Vienna High School, eight hundred and fifty
Dutton High School, one thousand, seven hundred
St. Thomas Collegiate Institute, one thousand,
four hundred dollars.
By-Law No 475 Page 2
That the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars
be granted to the St. Thomas Model School on condition
that all County pupils are admitted free.
That the sum of one hundred dollars be granted
to the Public School Inspector for postage, stationery
and travelling expenses for 1891.
Council Chamber Andrew N. Cline
St. Thomas Warden
30 January 1891
K.W. McKay
County Clerk
Received and read a first, seaond and third time
and finally passed 30th January 1891
Certified K.W. McKay County Clerk