480 COUN'ry OF ELGIN By-Law No. 48e TO CONFLRM THE EQUALIZATION OF THE ASSESSMENT ROI,LS ---,._-------------------------------- OF_THE__~OUNTX_ºE~~gIli_EOR_THE_X~&E_18~1~. Passed 5 June 1891 The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts. That the following be the equalization of the Assessment Rolls of the County of Elgin for 1891 as required by section 78 of the Assessment Act. M!!!:l£i~li1L fuluaHzeg Va!!!L_____ Aldborough 1,891,350 Dunwich 2,080,190 Southwold 2,865,200 Yarmouth 3,085.064 Malahìde 2,301,000 Bayham 1,108,$60 South Dorchester 1,314,726 Aylmer 361,000 Vienna 57,000 Port Stanley 68,000 Springfield 69,000 Dutton 90,000 ------------ 15,291,090 ------- ------- Council Chamber Andrew N. Cline St. Thomas Warden 5th June 1891 K.W. McKay County Clerk Received and read a first, second and third time and finally passed 5 June 1891 Certified - K.W. McKay County Clerk Pencilled changes see original see By-Law 495