500 · · · · · · · · · · · COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 500 TO CONFIRM BY-LAW NO. S85 OF THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE TOúVNSHIP OF MALAHIDE." Passed 24 November 1892. úVHEREAS the Municipal Council of the Township of Malahide, on the fourth day of July A.D. 1892 passed a By- Law in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Act to close up and dispose of an original allowance for road situate in the Township of Malahide, being that portion of sideroad in the first concession between lots no. JO and 31 in the said Township. AND WHEREAS it is necessary that said By-Law should be confirmed by this Council. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the County Council of the County of Elgin that By-Law No. 585 of the Township of Malahide be and the same is hereby confirmed. Council Chamber St. Thomas 24 November 1892 K.W. McKay M. E. Lyon County Clerk Warden Received and read a first, second and third time and finally passed 24th November 1892. Certified K.W. McKay, County Clerk. NOTE Attached to By-Law No. 500 is a typewritten copy of By-Law No. 585 and is not signed or sealed. (Malahide) (cont'd) (cont'd) · That the original allowance for road comprising all and singular that certain parcel and tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Malahide commencing at a certain stake on the north west corner of lot number thirty-one in the first concession of the Township of Malahide; thence running south a distance of three hundred and twenty rods more or less to the summit of the banks of Lake Erie; thence west four rods;' .·thence north three hundred and twenty rods more or less to the road between the first and second concessions; thence east four rods to the place of beginning containing by admeasurement eight acres more or less, be and the same is hereby stopped up and closed. · · · BE IT enacted by the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Township of Malahide AND WHEREAS this Council has determined and agreed to close and dispose of the said original allowance for road hereinafter described and convey the same to the said John A. Saxton in consideration of the sum of one hundred and seventy-five dollars · AND WHEREAS public notice has been given as required by the Municipal Act of the Revised Statutes of Ontario of the intention of this Council to pass a By-Law for closing and disposing of the said original allowance for road, and all persons whose land might be prejudicially affected there- by have been heard who petitioned to be so heard · THAT m{EREAS John A. Saxton and twelve others have petitioned this Council to close and convey to him the said siderQad an original allowance for road hereinafter set forth and described · BE IT enacted by the Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the Township of Malahide · AND THIRTY-ONE IN THE SAID TOWNSHIP " · SIDEROAD IN THE FIRST CONCESSION BETWEEN LOTS NUMBER THIRTY SITUATE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF ~ffiLAHIDE BEING THAT PORTION OF TO CLOSE AND DISPOSE OF AN ORIGINAL ALLOWANCE FOR ROAD " · By-Law No 585 By-Law No 500 TOWNSHIP OF MALAHIDE Page 2 · · · · · · · · · · · · By-Law No 500 Page 3 AND BE IT further enacted that the Reeve of this Municipality be and he is hereby authorized and instructed for and on behalf of this Corporation, to execute and attach the Seal of this Corporation to a Deed of Conveyance of the above described original allowance for road to the said John A. Saxton his heirs and assigns for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and seventy five dollars. Passed in Council in Town Hall Aylmer, and dated this 4th day of July A.D. 1892 John Haggan M. E. Lyon Clerk Reeve