533 · · · · · · · · · · · COUN'ry OF ELGIN By-Law No. 533 'TO RAISE THE SUM OF FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS TO PROVIDE FOR THE COST OF ERECTING AN IRON BRIDGE AT THE VILLAGE OF PORT STANLEY. AND OTHER BRIDGES TO BE ERECTED IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN DURING THE YEAR 1894, AND TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUING OF DEBENTURES THEREFOR. Passed 13th November 1894. WHEREAS it is necessary to raise the sum of fifteen thousand dollars for the purpose of providing for the cost of the erection of an iron bridge at the Village of Port Stanley, and other bridges to be erected in the County of Elgin during the year 1894; and in order thereto it will be necessary to issue Debentures of the Municipality of the County of Elgin for the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, payable as hereinafter provided. AND ~mEREAS it will be requisite to raise the sum of one thousand nine hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty- seven cents each year respectively. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable pro- perty of the Municipality, according to the last revised Assessment Rolls of the said Municipality amounts to thir- teen million eight hundred and ninety-four thousand eight hundred and sixty dollars. AND WHEREAS this Municipality has no existing Debenture Debt. THEREFORE the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Elgin enacts as follows:- 1st. It shall be lawful for the Warden of the said County of Elgin, for the purpose aforesaid to borrow the said sum of fifteen thousand dollars, and to issue Debentures of the said Municipality to the amount of fifteen thousand dollars in sums of not less than one hundred dollars each, payable on the first day of January in each year, during the period of ten years from the date of the issuing Jf the Debentures in the manner and for the amounts set forth in the Schedule hereinafter contained. ( C ont ' d) By-Law No. 533 Page 2 2nd. It shall be lawful for the Warden of the said Municipality and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue the said Debentures hereby authorized to be issued, and to cause the same the interest coupons attached thereto to be signed by the Treasurer of the said Municipality and the Clerk of the said Municipality is hereby authorized and instructed to attach the seal of the said Municipality to the said Debentures. 3rd. There shall be raised and levied in each year the sum of one thousand nine hundred and forty-two dollars and fifty-seven cents be special rate on all the rateable property in the said Municipality said amount being a sum sufficient to discharge the several instalments of principal and interest accruing due on the said debt, as the same be- comes respectively' payable according to the following Schedule SCHEDULE Number Year Debenture Interest Total 1 1895 $1,192.57 $750.00 $1,942.57 2 1896 1,252.20 690.37 1,942.57 3 1897 1,314.81 617.76 1,942.57 4 1898 1,380.55 562.02 1,942.57 5 1899 1,449.57 493.00 1,942.57 6 1900 1,522.05 420.52 1,942.57 7 1901 1,598.15 344.42 1, 942.57 8 1902 1,678.06 264.51 1,942.57 9 1903 1, 761. 97 180.60 1,942.57 10 1904 1,850.07 92.50 1,942.57 County Council Chamber St. T)1omas 4th December 1894 K. W. McKay W. M. Ford County Clerk Warden (Cont'd) · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · By-Law No 533 Page 3 SCHEDULE A ·RETURN as required by Chapter 186 of the Revised Statutes of Ontario entitled an Act respecting the Registra- tion of Municipal and other Debentures issued by the County Council of the County of Elgin. 1. Title of Object of By-Law To raise the sum of fifteen thousand dollars to provide for the cost of erecting an iron bridge at the Vill- age of Port Stanley and other bridges to be erected in the County of Elgin during the year 1894, and to authorize the issue of Debenture therefor. 2. Amount to be Raised ($15,000) Fifteen Thousand Dollars. 3. & 4. Number of Debentures. Amounts. Dates when payable 1 1,192.57 1st. January 1896 2 1,252.20 " 1897 3 1,314.81 " 1898 4 1,380.55 " 1899 5 1,449.57 " 1900 6 1,522.05 " 1901 7 1,598.15 " 1902 8 1,676.06 " 1903 9 1, 761. 97 " 1904 10 1, 761. 97 n 1905 6. Assessed value of the Real and Personal Estate of the County of Elgin Real Estate - - 13,696,660. Personal Estate - 198,200. Total - - - $13,894,860. 7. Amount of yearly rate in the $ to liquidate same $1,942.57 to be raised yearly. Dated at St. Thomas, this 4th day of December 1894 K. W. McKay County Clerk ( C ont ' d) By-Law No 533 Page 4 Read a first, second and third time 18th November 1894 Certified K. W. McKay County Clerk I Certify that the within Instrument is duly Entered and Registered in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin. Book B for By-Laws at 2:30 o'clock p.m. of the 4 day of Dec. A. D., 1894 A. D. McGregor Numbers 194 & 194 s. A copy of this By-Law was enclosed in the original with some figures stroked out in pencil · · · · · · · · · · ·