539 · · · COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 539 :!'.Q APPOINT TRUSTEES OF HIGH SCHOOLS IN THE COUNTY OF ELGIN" Passed 25th January 1895 The County Council of the County of Elgin, under the authority of sections 11 and 12 of the High Schools Act, 1891 enacts . That J.H. Hoover M.D. be appointed Trustee of the Vienna High School for a term of three years. That David Marshall be appointed Trustee of the Aylmer Collegiate Institute for a term of three years That G.W. Ling M.D. be appointed Trustee of the Dutton High School for a term of three years. Council Chamber John Thomson St. Thomas Warden 25th January 1895 K.W. McKay County Clerk Received and read a first, second and third time' and finally passed 25 January 1895 Certified K.W McKay County Clerk · · · · · · · ·