554 · · · · · · · · · · · COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 554 TO AUTHORIZE THE DETENTION OF AN INDIGENT PERSON IN THE ELGIN HOUSE OF INDUSTRY". Passed 31st January 1896 WHEREAS by section 17 of the Municipal Amendment Act of 1895, it is enacted as follows:- The Council may pass By-Laws for committing to and detaining at such House of Industry for a period of not more than twelve months indigent persons, and the warrant of the Warden or head of a Council passing such By-Law under the seal of the Corporation shall be sufficient authority to the Keeper of such House of Industry to detain the person therein mentioned for a period stated in such warrant not to exceed twelve months, but this shall not effect the pOwers of committal by law conferred on any other person or officer. WHEREAS Mrs. Campbell resident of part of lot number one in the fourth concession of the Township of Yarmouth is an indigent person who should be committed to the Elgin House of Industry. AND WHEREAS it is desirable that the Warden should issue his warrant for the committal of the said Mrs. Campbell to the said House of Industry to be there detained for a period of twelve months. BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the County Council of the County of Elgin that the Warden be and is hereby authorized to issue his warrant to committ Mrs. Campbell a resident of part of lot number one in the fourth concession of the Township of Yarmouth to the said House of Industry and detain her in said Institution for a period of twelve months. That this By-Law shall take effect from and after the date of the passing thereof. Council Chamber St. Thomas Richard Locker January 31st 1896 Warden K.W. McKay County Clerk Received and read a first, second and third time and finally passed January 31st 1896 Certified K.W McKay County Clerk