By-Law No. 608
Passed, 15th June 1900
WHEREAS under the authority of the Act 6J
Victoria, Chapter JJ, Section 50, it is enacted
That the Council of any county or the Coun~
cils of any counties in which an unincorporated village
is situated shall set apart such unincorporated village
as a Police Village upon a petition being presented des-
cribing the area to be included in such village and
signed by a majority of the ratepayers resident therein.
Where such unincorporated village lies wholly in one
county, the Council shall in and by such By-Law fix a
time and place for, and shall name a Returning Officer
for conducting the first election of Police Trustees as
hereinafter mentioned, and the date of the first meeting
of the Police Trustees after such election.
AND WHEREAS a petition has been received from
the residents of the Unincorporated Village of Port
Burwell in the Township of Bayham praying for the forma-
tion of a Police Village
AND WHEREAS such petition defines the area to
be included in such village and is signed by a majority
of the ratepayers therein.
The Elgin County Council therefore enacts
I. That the Unincorporated Village of Port
Burwell in the Township of Bayham be and is hereby set
apart as a Police Village.
II. That the area to be included in the said
Police Village of Port Burwell shall comprise all and
singular that certain parcel or tract of land situate,
lying and being in the Township of Bayham in the County
of Elgin and Province of Ontario being composed of the
south parts of lots nos. 10, 11, 12 and IJ in the first
concession of said Township containing by admeasurement
four hundred acres to be the same more or less, more
particularly described as follows _
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By-Law No
Commencing in the westerly limit of the said lot
number ten at a point thirty chains, ten links southerly
from the north westerly angle of said lot; thence easterly
parallel with the road allowance between the first and
second concessions to the centre of the road between lots
nos. ten and eleven; thence southerly along the centre of
said road seven chains twelve links; thence easterly
parallel with the road allowance between the first and se-
cond concessions to the easterly limit of lot no. thirteen
thence southerly along the easterly limit of lot no. thir-
teen to the southerly limit of the first concession; thence
westerly along the southerly limit of the first concession
to the westerly limit of lot no. ten; thence northerly along
the westerly limit of lot no. ten to the point of beginning.
III. A meeting of the Electors shall be held for
the nomination of candidates for the office of Police Trus-
tees in the said Village of Port Burwell in the Oddfellows
Hall at noon on Monday, the 2nd day of July, 1900.
IV. The Returning Officer shall preside at such
meeting and shall give at least six days notice of the same
V. If after a lapse of one hour more than three
candidates are nominated the Returning Officer or Chairman
shall adjourn the proceedings until Monday the 9th day of
July 1900, when a poll or polls shall be open in the Odd-
fellows Hall at nine o'clock in the morning and shall con-
tinue open until 5 o'clock in the afternoon and no longer.
VI. That Mr. G. B. McConnell of the said Village
of Port Burwell, Druggist, be and is hereby appointed Re-
turning Officer for conducting such election of Police
VII. That the first meeting of Police Trustees
after such election shall be held at the Oddfellows Hall
on the 16th day of July 1900 at eleven o'clock a. m.
Council Chamber
St. Thomas
15th June 1900
David F.
K. W. McKay
County Clerk
County Clerk
Passed 15th June 1900
Certified - K