662 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 662 "TO APPOINT CENSUS TAKERS TO TAKE THE CENSUS OF THE POLICE VILLAGES OF RODNEY AND WEST LORNE." Passed 29th January 1904. WHEREAS the Trustees of the Police Villages of Rodney and West Lorne in the Township of Aldborough have requested this Council to take the census of the said Villages in accordance with the provisions of Section 751 of theGConsolidated Municipal Act 190). The Council of the County of Elgin therefore enacts That E. A. Hugill of Rodney be and is hereby ap- pointed to take the census of the' said Police Village of Rodney and That Dameon Mehring of West Lorne be and is hereby appointed to take the census of the said Police Village of West Lorne. That the census of each of the said Police Villages be reported to the County Clerk in detail and under oath County Council Chamber St. Thomas 29th January 1904 K. W. McKay Signed County Clerk David Stratton Warden Passed 29 January 1904 Certified K. W. McKay, County Clerk