721 COUNTY OF ELGIN 721 By-Law No " 'ro RAISE AlVIOUNTS FOR COUNTY RATES DURING THE YEAR 190 o 1907 WHEREAS, by Section 405, of Chapter 223, R S. the Council of a County may pass By-Laws authorizing the levying and collecting of a rate. etc. Passed June 7th AND WHEREAS, an estimate has been made, showing that the sum of fifty-one thousand two hundred and thirty- nine dollars is required to be raised in the several muni- cipalities for the lawful purposes of the county during the year 1907. AND WHEREAS, by the Assessment Act, this Council is required to direct what portion of the sum to be levied for County purposes shall be levied in each Municipality in the County. AND WHEREAS, the rates are required to be calcu- lated at so much on the dollar, upon the actual value of all the real and personal property liable to assessment AND WHEREAS, the actual value of the real and personal property of the County, as ascertained and equalized by this Council, is as follows.- Total Equalized Value 241 189 1+09 378 927 812 648 000 000 000 000 000. 604 , , , . , , , , . , , 2,784 2,872 3,548 4,063 2,814 1,720 1,571 600 200 140 100 80 495 $ Municipality Aldborough Dunwich Southwold Yarmouth lVIalahide Bayham South Dorchester Aylmer Dutton Port Stanley Springfield Vienna $20 the Municipal Corpora- THEREFORE, the Council of tion of the County of Elgin enacts; (Cont'd) By-Law No. 721 Page 2 1. That a rate o:f two and a hal:f mills on the dollar be levied upon all the rateable property in the several municipalities in the County o:f Elgin. as above set :forth. :for the year 1907. to raise the :following amounts 2. That the sum o:f :fi:fty-one thousand two hun- dred and thirty-nine dollars be raised and levied in the several municipalities in the County. according to the :following schedule, and that the amounts as entered therein be paid to the County Treasurer. as by law required. Schedule Municipality Total Aldborough $ 6.961 Dunwich 7.180 Southwold· 8.871 Yarmouth 10.159 Malahide 7.0)7 Bayham 4,)02 South Dorchester ).929 Aylmer 1.500 Vienna 200 Spring:field 250 Port Stanley )50 Dutton SOO $151.2)9 County Council Chamber St. Thomas June 7th. 1907. W. Tolmie County Clerk Warden Passed June 7th. 1907. Certified - County Clerk Original copy not sealed .