727 OOUNTY OF ELGIN By-law No. 727 TO AUTHORIZE 'rHE WARDEN AND 'fREASURER TO BORROW TWENTY- FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS." Passed 1st February, 1908. The Oounty Oouncil of the Oorporation of the Oounty of Elgin enacts: - That the Warden and Treasurer be and are hereby authorized to borrow the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars as it may be required to renew notes to meet the current ex- penditure of the Oorporation of the Oounty of Elgin during 1908, and to give as security therefor notes of one thousand dollars each. Oouncil Ohambers St. Thomas 1st February, 1908. K. W. McKay O. O. Luton Oounty Olerk Warden Received and read a first, second and third time and finally passed 1st February, 1908. Oertified K W. McKay Oounty Olerk