By-Law No
Passed 20th November
'rhe County Council of the County of Elgin enacts
1. That from and after the passing of this By-Law,
it shall not be lawful for dealers in second hand goods, being
persons who pass from house to house or along streets or lanes
for the purpose of collecting, purchasing or obtaining second
hand goods including bottles, bicycles, waste paper, rags, bones
or old iron or scrap or junk, to carryon their said occupa-
tion or business within any part of the County of Elgim:xm-
less and until he shall have procured a license as hereinafter
provided for each of such places of business. (written in
margin - certain types of goods)
2. The Clerk of this County Council is hereby auth-
orized to issue licenses under this By-Law with the Corporate
Seal of the Council attached thereto and deliver the SaITte to
persons applying therefor upon payment of the fee of five
dollars. Each license to be in force for one year from the
date of issue and no longer.
3. Every person obtaining a license as hereinbefore
provided shall produce the same whenever required to do so by
any Municipal or Peace Officer.
4. Any person contravening any of the provisions
of this By-Law shall for such offence, on conviction before
one or more Justices of the Peace for the County of Elgin
forfeit and pay a fine of not less than five dollars or more
than twenty dollars in the discretion of the Justice or Jus-
tices together with the costs
And if not paid forthwith the same shall be lE!vied
by distress and sale of the goods and chattèls of the offender
and in case of there being no distress out of which the pen-
alty can be levied the Justice may commit the offender to the
common gaol of the said County of Elgin for any time not ex-
ceeding twenty-one daYs, unless such fine and costs including
the costs of the committal shall be sooner paid.
Council Chambers
St. Thomas
November 20th 1908
By-Law No 742 Page 2
K. W. McKay Chas. O. Luton
County Clerk Wardèn
Passed 20 November 1908
Certified K. W. McKay - Co. Clerk