743 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 743 "TO AMEND BY-LAW NO. 600" . Passed 20th November 1908 The Elgin County Council enacts:- That By-Law No. 600 be amended by the addition of the following sections. 5. (a) That the said Commissioners be and are here- by required to examine and pass for payment all accounts for supplies delivered at the County Gaol and the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to pay the same on the order of thE~ said Commissioners or any two of them. 5. (b) It shall be the duty of the said Commissioner to present to the Gaol Committee of the County Council at each session a statement of all accounts for which they have issued orders on the County Treasurer, since the previous session thereof. Council Chambers 20th,November 1908 St. Thomas ,I Chas. 0 Luton K.W': MêKay Warden County Clerk Passed 20th November 1908 Certified K. W. McKay County Clerk