779 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 779 TO AUTHORIZE THE ~1jARDEN TO SIGN AGREEMENTS." Passed the 18th November 1910.: WHEREAS Agreement entered into between the City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin in the year 1905 to provide for the p~yment of expenses of Administration of Justice by the City to the County, expired on the first day of January 1910. AND ~1]HEREAS it has been agreed by the said City of St. Thomas and the County of Elgin that the said City of St. Thomas should pay to the said County of Elgin, the sum of three thousand dollars yearly during a term of five years commencing the first day of January 1910. AND WHEREAS the Registry Office of the County of Elgin has been enlarged, improved and refurnished at a cost of nine thousand and forty-six dollars and seventy- eight cents. AND WHEREAS it has been agreed that the amount payable by the City of St. Thomas to the County of Elgin as their share of the expense in connection with the said Registry Office improvements is two thousand and fifty dollars, and that the said sum and interest thereon at four and one-half percenir,shall be paid by the said City to the said County in ten equal annual instalments of two hundred and fifty-nine dollars and seven cents eac~. The County Council of the County of Elgin enacts That the Warden be and is hereby authorized to sign Agreements with the City of St. Thomas providing for pay- ment of Administration of Justice expenses and for their share of Registry Office improvements as above set forth Council Chambers St. Thomas 18th November 1910 K. W. McKay Donald McLean CountyCClerk Warden Passed 18th November 1910 Certified K. W. McKay, County Clerk