792 COUNTY OF ELGIN By-Law No. 792 TO FIX THE SALARY OF THE COUNTY POLICE lVIAGISTRATE Passed 16th June 1911 The County Council of Elgin enacts That the salary of Francis Hunt, County Police Magistrate be and is hereby fixed at the sum of five hundred and fifty dollars per .annum, payable quarterly, to-date from the 1st July, 1911. That the Police Magistrate be paid the sum of twenty-five dollars annually for postage and telephone. That all By-Laws in this respect heretofore passed be and are hereby repealed. County Council Chambers St. Thomas 16th June, 1911. Sydney McDermand Warden K. W. McKay County Clerk Passed 16th June, 1911. Certified K. W. McKay County Clerk