By-Law No. 799
Passed June 16th, 1911.
WHEREAS an estimate has been made showing that
the sum of fifty-two thousand and ninety-eight dollars is
required to be raised in the several Municipalities for
the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1911.
AND WHEREAS by the Assessment Act, this Coun-
cil is required to direct what portion of the sum to be
levied for County purposes shall be levied in each Munici-
pality in the County;
AND WHEREAS the rates are required to be cal-
culated at so much on the dollar upon the actual value of
all the real and personal property as equalized in the pre-
ceding year.
AND WHEREAS the actual value of the real and
personal property of the County, as ascertained and
equalized in 1910 is as follows -
Municipality Total Equalized Value
Aldborough $ ),)08,059
Dunwich a,55),615
Southwold ,266,96)
Yarmouth 5,157,396
Ma1ahide ],155,)44
Bayham 2,121,681
South Dorchester 1,865,057
Aylmer 1,247,102
Dutton ]67,248
Port Stanley 24],214
Springfield 169,192
Vienna 110,785
Rodney 24),080
West Lorne 240,70'3
Therefore the Council of the Municipal Corpora-
tion of the County of Elgin enacts _
By-Law No. 799 Page 2
l. That a rate of two mills on the dollar bEĀ”
levied on all rateable property in the several municipalities
in the County of Elgin, as above set forth, for the year 1911
to raise the following amounts:
2. That the sum of fifty-two thousand and ninety-
eight dollars be raised and levied in the several Municipalities
in the County, according to the following schedule, and that
the amounts, as entered therein, be paid to the County ~~rea-
surer, as by law required.
Municipality Total
Aldborough $ 6616
Dunwich 7107
Southwold 85::34
Yarmouth 10315
Malahide 6311
Bayham 4243
South Dorchester 3730
Aylmer 2494
Duttpn 734
Port Stanley 486
Springfield 338
Vienna 222
Rodney 486
West Lorne 482
County Council Chamber
St. Thomas
J"une 16th, 1911
K. W. McKay Syd. S. McDermand
County Clerk Warden
Passed 16th. June 1911.
Certified - K W. McKay County Clerk