803 I .' :SY...LAW NO. 805. To a.1i'j}j)i:nt_àn.ìtaJ'llß.~l.~t. tQj;þ§! doûnt: TI'eaw'l'ex'. 1'åSSed I71;h.NoVe¡¡¡be:v I$lI. . Thø ng1rF dounty Counoil enacts:- I. :ehat Kennet11 W.¥cKay 'be and is 11øre1W appo:i.ntad Âsalr¡¡tli1.nt to the øøunty 'freaw'rer at the salary of ;~800 perannum,l}/3.yable quarte!"~~. 2. That 1;h$ AssistantTJ:'eawl'el' Ìi1erequ:!.:r>ed to attend to all dttt:i,es in oønneci;io!l with the office T!'éasurer and Gounta;r'" sigtnan cheques. 3. ~'ha.t By-law No. 790 bé re:¡¡¡saled. 4,. That this By-law t~(0e~fect ~om and after theIst. of Døo€!Jriber. Cottl'lCU Cœ¡-abe):'s, r3t.'~hornaslI7th.Novembel' I9I!. ,.;-/;é ---uu. ~ ~ CJlerlc. Warden.