807 <. ,,, . /' BY-LA1¡! No. . ~~?J l Of the :Munioipal Corporation of the County. of Elgin. WEEmw¡ The Central Pipe Line Company ,Limited of the City f Chathhm,hereinafter oalled the Company, is a Corporation duly , organized and existi.ng under the Laws of Ontario for the pur- pose among others of oonstruoting,maintaining and operating .' works for the produotion,sale and distribution of Naturàl nas for thB purposes of light,heat and power, AND 'WIŒmMS under and by virtue of :a; certain By-laws of the.. Villages of Vienna, and Port Burwell .and of the Tovmshi.ps of Bayham and Malahide the sai.d Company has been granted per- mission to lay and maintain mains and pipes for the transmission of natural gas through,\<nder and along the streets,highways andpublio plaoes of the said munioipalities for the tranamissi.on of natura..l gas~ AND WFŒ.1R!CAS the said COI lPanY has laid:: and is maintaining systems of main pipes for the distribution of such gas in said Villages and is about to lay mains for1;he transmission of suoh gas tllrough! said. Villages and Townships to the Town of Aylmer and elsewhere, AND WIŒIŒAS in the construction of its pipe line system it is neoessary for the Company to lay and maintain mains and pi.11es aJ...ong and aoross certain bridges and the approaches thereto for lOOræeet at both. ends of each of said bridges cross- ing Big Otter Creek whioh said bridgesand approaches are the property of the Corporation of the County of Elgin, NOT 1J1:BERl!JFOIŒ the Municjþal Council of the Corporation of the County' of Elgin doth hèreby enact : 1- SUJ3JECT as after mentioned and to the provi¡i¡ions of 9 Ed.Vii 0.75 pe1IDission is hereby grânted to the said CompanY'íits " suooessors and assigns to construot and thereafter maintain {a} A main :pipe not to exceød 2 inches inside diameter along and across the bridges and. approaches thereto as aforesaid crossing Big Otter Creek on Bridge Street in the VilJ.age of Port J3urwelJ... (b) A main or pJi!.pe not exceeding 4 inches insidediametè!' along 4 t; and across the bridges and approaches thereto as aforesaid orossing Big Otter Creek in the Village of Vienna for ¡!;he oonveyance of natural gas and to convey natural gas therehl - flfjr the period. of 25 years from and after< the passing of this By-law. PROVIDED always that this By-law shall not have any fprce or effect unless and until the Company shall have ex- ecuted and delivered to the Corporation an Agreement in the form hereto annexed as Schedule "A" and the Warden is hereby aüthorized to execute and deliver such Agreement under Seal of the Corporation counter-signed by the Clerk when and as soon as the same has been executed by the Company. PASSED this 16th day of ,JUtJe A. D. 1911. ..¿( 7 ~ Clerk,! Warden )" ~~h(:ì I~(}·¡¡¡~c!:~n¡r t!1tk.Z;.f 'b1.'{)¡(ir ,..U.,z ~~~)(¡ t;J:'~n!lh $!<:¡~u\$b Ø>ì1d ~(í :b~ th~} ¡H¡¡¡m,¡u:y: ff)1, 1 ot{l1r\g'1;h.~t ii:\ to $~tt-Y t,.,. b~-~~~b¡IJY tt¡¡.¡t'4.iUJ :\.y Oo.iHJ\1I%1:If¡ ~ lì1't¡!U;t~H$ \;Ind ~¡ë;:¡ßfJ t,(;I !'I;ml wi'lIh ..""011 øt:î'w:r ftl~ lÞ~d~${i$t th¡~ ~¡I~id ('jqj1),)/ ß,flY r,md tl~~t ¡.'H~1!t Ü01:');\O?êJ.Uon ~U t:i!1!1' þ:¡;"'~~(;!':I(>mt 1w t11.l$\ (jtìj):il1t~ into Øj¡IiHi'<è t ion of thó) . ¡; í'J;ftt3 . .~\;w¡nttQ tht'! ~1<'1.:!.(t iJy"l¡~W ¡:;'!"Ht '¡¡¡!it ,\¡It~y of rû:cfQxr£\!i¡'\øø oJ' th~ oon" ~l:r¡) I\\!îŒP'¡~M~ thilJ ,"",w, " ",n,."" A, ~"irj-""'~'V';'\,i,~,-.~..."t.j- $.~J J'JW,r.t,} ~%n(' 'i!i!1'lì;<n'ed ~,u:¡:.. ~~mt l)1C'.f,lv;l.¡,¡;l¡mm }M$1:,,):j,m~t't<t\:!1 IH-;¡t :!:!'I}: tl1 , thf¡ {;;~:(,Ü1l tif,'¡5:POX'M:t ion 11:1 t;h~' t~,I~·tr: j¡ k~rHl ct\!lt¡:d.nir1¡;; mmd1t1,ön~ ¡¡¡h~1 h{;.;v~ <lUt"X'~1<! irJta ß¡f) lll¡~X'>Ii)l.~¡!K'nt tn ûX' i t,i¡,iJf. IMld<Ø:t' $171~ wi t1, O(¡tw:¡, ¡b~hl~ Opt¡X'f! M,(~f! :;~n{i ø z'taot W1J. otW *.%1'1(1 untU ~¡~i(~ O¡;¡m:N,f1Y !;\g.id bY"';¡,tMi'1 ~tu~).~~ò('ft tr¡ omltJiU,(m t}'¡¡;¡¡t ,¡¡¡'HtÎi1l t¡~r-ll¡¡'w :;;ho\.l11:1 rwt 1¡}1!&:!:'i¡J:1n øo~ ~b~ ~$~iod ~f 1~G f1tO?~ì ·it.1!b'Hl ~¡¡;.~_~ t~;f;tt1,t$ ¥'¡;U,W 11', ¡; øf f\~r tl1¡¡¡ øO~~'\t(,¡;¡·t1,I\cre of t'!~;~Jt¥U~å:t I)\/,M,¡ ìil.tliJ, ~i'I o~mV~'~f r!r.,tu'nj,~. ¡¡:;"tI ()!' ~\kÃ{1I~h. of f.l)tt.i~'i f('¡:r' 1(){) rHe~t lfut f,' J,Qf! '\'J'..-ìdglil tll~ (:'î (!,!M: :in i~1Î.a Ii i :n· [>g(ì 1:>1' V:!.¡: nm~ t:~m1. !:!,Jl(l .f;~t1$~Q'Wl ~ t}~ ~;.l¡P:rQ!:\(I~ ,)1iI :!.r,¡,):!.tJ.f) d~. ~:1, ;~ø t 1J1' ~\1 t,r¡~t, :M~3? (; J¡¡¡ U¡Q \n.' .ìt\¡;\el!! Q:t'¡J:¡¡¡¡¡ in!!: 'fl;i,f~ Ot, f,C%' !!It '~}.wM')l·~ qUid, th~)~)t)I;Ií:' '"md ('I:» !!\ t\l!i>in (I)) ~"i!,~ nQt ¡¡JÄ( (!(¡d:h1t! 4 1n.~1!~)1I> E~ncl, .u~ tmø~ ,ttn~~, ~~£I~{1If;¡: tht~ f..!~p:t'QI"<IIlh:¡Q f.>f a~¡,:ì.(t ,¡;,;r.1,tG;~' fo~ :UHJf'nnt ~i(t (It¡ t,{I);' C7N!~!", otl ~U~ :t:"'1 ,¡,II ;hi tt1.t) V 11j,!~t:l~~ or PQX't, ;m1;l1'\'I~:t.l irlî! !f';¡ ¡,:" ;illll!'liß13 :I. n¡,~ ø ~¡11~$titat~~l'r' W'!(l ¡¡;'(I:I1'~¡~~ thlllt 'b~j,~~i'~\J' ø;t)t,ß~¡~,n~: í.}{lfì¡¡;'1:,:¡~U¡ .t l!iml XDÆlint!:!,;i.#íI (~) Ii> ll\l.\1n {'IT J::¡)'~'IÌ! tH.I;, I,i;I:JI\C{$,M1.. V'I4U~ ~~1t"~11 t; <)(1 t(~ Ul" r~I;".t1. cO*I\r~!.I1;'l t :1. t(~ ~iH!\I}1;i~I\HjX'ti> ¡;tm~ 1;M~I,J:I.¡¡;l'If to /6~ wm~m':I'¡;¡ b;¡,,' d~t:t Q:f'Jtl1\11» ¡;¡¡, ~y..;1,~\fI A~ ì) .11;>11 1i'!!111 (I:I~ th¢ IilI;î,i;~ ~~\.!fflbø~'¡;¡'d (1o:¡r!o,ot'~~t.;¡'tln f() / ~~I.~!} ,''''1.\ .lì<'I.:JiYIf¡!¡$;¡¡¡>¡¡:!.on >1m '11111\'1 nl~ . . J~1 J, ìill.' ~~hr¡ thl.' 1:r~'tJ C(I:pf·(¡¡r¡"t:i.t.m G~';rpONt t.:!. OJ¡ ~ tWuni. r.:~ ê$i' dl*-' Coun.ty ~f 1~'1.·.;tl1~1t:t: e.1. ¥,t~~.$rt¿&@:J;~ .. \'JI.mt .. 01~ V:HlfVJ': :¡:>.i\iW .~. . 1it'Q'II 1f)Q~¡¡ ot~ Q¡1t.¡,:¡., 19 01,,,xø1HM.i·tl.'~ t1w ( ¡)1nJ!¡"r¡y & -1!lt~ U~,!~~l.t.)1~:l:t ~fu¡n{;;t f\l:>l:î:Uo tlt,¡:;.mil1.ed T,];¡41 a,mt~nl arl,1 C<!f(fpttn::r 1.111{~¡¡¡'t ¡,t\.\¡;In¡ th\Ø 'thHI ( 1~; .f~± ·t.ld) !~ 1¡~1~¡;¡r Q~:r~'l.t;f" (!~'Y· (¡If (fulMiP Mì~'M(:m;l.1tDtn¡ , (¡]I .\0 mi;E~:¡:¡11ì~i! iti ªV}i'l1 í:!~~'~e ~ !u:ni'j;¡utT:' tI AI'! ~"'-'-""'--"'-'---" ~ \ 2 tljt¡\tty Qf t'l1œ /iì.Pi;:¡"~¡M~:h:~$tØ ¡~1i>1<i ì)r:tltì~~a$ t..ø ~¡¡a.t 'þø lI¡¡¡a~¡!1ì,~!\t i7:r f¢il' J. ¡¡;y; .n~} 40\11'1 t:¡t1.1~~. líI¡;\;1n." ~ ! ~~~11\ "'11' t;1:1Hi~ Q:I1 fó:r t¡¡¡J(å,ì'lg UPtaU(¡:~!n!$ Q.t1 X~£\it1;¡¡b)l}¡ U¡<~ Ø41'\,a~\~ t;):¡.~ ('::f.\ !!¡;.'t"I.ny 1,\!1¡ ,:~1 dt1!~~1\ 1j!1,tf,)1~d,;tant døîngM Ui1tU/(j$!'III'!$\.ry 4~""¡¡~$ 11"1 40 ì!.øb\g ¡¡¡f¡ì';1 ·t;~;:Ø::Ullì! IMM:ØtQ þr;r.¡ø~"f¡ì fZ'~ ii!I t,ml'!unb¡tøl':t'u»tf$(j; I¡¡;¡~t'i~<a/il,:I.{jng øa1¡1 ~))1þ:rø~C)l'1I~$I'M.d. }mi~~¡;¡1!\ '$'Il1Uø ¡,UQj¡ I'nH:k :I.n :in ¡;.,xØ~:r.$!.£H ¡¡¡,net :!'1nhhi\~(~ \!Ia:J¡:iI¡ \~~u..k !,nd p~"<I,ø;i,Y¡$ tbø ¡¡¡a;id a.ÞI,rot'¢h<!!$ in 1\\.$ gøodaf>l1è¡;l.tian aø bßfQZ'a t,þ,e( ø!\'\,f~an( 0¡¡¡¡¡;nt of ti.a t¡aid 1fl()~k . wi tJu'mt li!.n;t 1.'I11r;\1IQ( ~jf 4'1,:t''y d<£Jl$;!I. 2. XnthEl:!>:I.'(,tøøøu'Utmøf the i¡).t"jrtln~tl,\p ør f,l,flY or lìJì,tch 1W1)P:t'(}¡~·~h~~.IiJ..th~¡ øø;¡vp1any w;i.11 l~Qt ()bj¡tJtu.øt.moh~tld~Ø¡~t\ (, ;¡;' int"'\t'h~1:I l!iUih any of th!!1 ( nt~1i!t;;r.uc'UonQ bQlal1g1ngh th~ OQ:!?pO;¡?¡;:,J',;!.þrl. bµt \1"13,.3, UlìiiO all pt¡¡pør mflMU:fil/l:} to þ:!èotea$ 1;;:t,~ I;lliIlì!fiØ I4nd hl'!.V'ø thø!1I .;l.r¡ <>$ ß;øod c:otld:H;ion at'i th<;¡Y~¥ì'!j:l\'lfj ¡j.1'W~¡¡¡U" (~te"1y J;11t':!.o;!.' to thé l;;t'o¡¡¡e(\liIU,on of th", $!..;!'<ì 1tfO't']¡¡;.u.¡I;i.n~ <!.1U<!iI ,u~1Ì !ì1~I)I)I1I;¡:t:ì;¡,:.u£ì;ønl:!~ ;Î.l"l ao dø1n¡¡¡ ;nne. ¡J}'ìi!.:I.3, w:Hh¡;¡wiJ. dwl.l!!.:Y ò:I., j!4.'f '\,11<1 i,-¡¡¡:tiel tt,pp:ro{¡j¡øh(;$ ø:!' t¡;l1. lIliwt 0:1; :¡;,uþbi$:h GIêJ¡'~M!tI. b;y' Ø31 X~~tH,¡:¡.t... 1ng hom 1:,Î1ø p~;f't'ox'n1~'flí:I!Þ} f,lt: ~ny wørk"£lI ðøtl'ill b;¡1" it IU!.!!ti1:t' t:î:\(¡ 'p<1w..nm 'Þy the i'~¡;¡¡'1{j·b~'''Xf.4;\'I oQnf~;:t";¡:ød. ~.. '.I.'}¡11J ßI:\\.i4 r¡....;i.niJ ~~: :¡.d.:ti~'1iI ijljJ;~l3. 1)1\\ of .stl,j~.). o¡: íJ!JiI.:l1;!.~~Qn t"liIt~'i\:J. '1,0 !it f':I:'eaGut'e of Ø11!!11¥1I,otŒt""d !ot'\mtlil to thø ßq,uì,r~ it¡c1'J, W"¡d th~ þl.:l:l."1;1<:m th~j'l1'Gof l~,!,id tl:¡~øn tìaø IU¡!,¡j,(¡' b:rid.!iI\efi i¡¡1~al1 be U(iw þ;!.!ì!il< I!tr,t:!. IiIJ'1;fJ2!' ì:lc:.I.rlg ¡¡h'CllltJ. in pç¡ß:!.t1or¡ ø:¡1t¡;ll ~'¡¡¡$~!VEl tw·¢!. (¡CH;¡.tø. c'lf' I,ø,int of i¡hcoti1.l1il OIi};¡'Q:t'!~~ th~. ;¡:;!i1l!1l'î;\O'!':l.VQ 'b:r;V;!¡¡;~ ¡ . 4. The 00111.11<*,111 ØhkìJ.j, (I;tOOt, s~.;j,t¡:~1):l¡í !$fI,% ßt1fí';h~j.fmt '¡;)t1\1.'l'hl:t$ ~nt).plf,¡oa ~¡t'!'Ill;¡,r !:!-n{l f'\lf'fj.Q~,en'\', lig1l,t$¡ '!!'].'ound (;1.11. e;î\:o¡:¡;,,~tìQtlj¡¡¡ ~~deby it J,n t,11(1 I):!:oøeöt11::h;m (Ii' 1ih¡¡¡ wQ:J.')¡; tø 1,;t!!¡V'Int I;!.aø:l.dent~ tQIf!.:U. ;p¡;r~()!'\t¡l.ttnj,m..'I,l$ an¢l vaht( :¡,~s usinG,¡ the \!,I1j,;h'l. bridgaliS and (~¡;'!"].'!;II1&ØJ:!¡¿¡I~., ß. .11.1), ~,<>:I:k in (j()fm()øtio~î w:lt,b t1l1; h\y;¡'n~.¡n!'t.1r¡b1r¡1r1¡¡hl'e.. I'ww1ng li\.n~ rlil:t:,,,..b1¥1{(!; ot' the liH.:J,d :¡jlli1n~ O)~ t);!.~'ø!l emd t]w <JOn'" t1l1u¡:¡d ¡;upI¡tviø:l.on of thl!\l'Jl:1,!!10 sha.lJ. 1>61 þ(J)·'f{¡;t'?1ad by IJ,n;;i (;1.:1.1 (lo~¡t!> åj1d ß1\:J}(1!11161$ tb,;:reb;y 1n<n;I:r:tød be þo:rnw and. paid by tM OO!1!pany. 6. Th,. Q.ompf-ttIY ~(hall I:\\.t all t;i.!fìfíl> !iW!.;j.nta.in th", Øø.id fm¡,in$ or Yd.;P¡¡!i;! it! gOQt1 wo:¡?Jdng o:rd~r. M(Ì. øor¡(!:1t:l.on å'l1<1 øo 'l;Mt. ¥l,Q ðìitJ'ì¡(~t¡ IiJball be Of;\ut~0,1 to thø :pxopøæ,t;yof thø C01'þø:rMhn ~.I,nd gX',Mt<ì?Jd 1\.ml~~ßa the CQ~p~ny ~h~l~ '.1'1 thin on<! month th,n~( aftl/l~ 1nt,en't of the Co:rl)on~1; 1(,n to d,¡tt:1Z'm:!.ne i;h,¡¡ f:¡;l;moh1ß0 he1'ß'br il~ ,,1'1' :l1¡j.nl~ G¡;¡üo;i.fyirt¡¡t the bX·<>.ó\Ch (J0l1rti1ti,ln,¡¡d 0.1' <In¡ , of the :p1'oV1I1il)~¡1J ofth:1$ A{¡;:r$!}I,wmt t the O(¡);¡;,po'r...'\;:i.on may /;';1vo flQt:l.oe ¡G. t:r t110 Co¡¡tp<.my !>11a.ì.l aorümit Ii1 l¡;¡:-ßï;¡,oh of any of thø .ø.nd of th~1:> N&X'¢¡¡;fll,,)t¡1;. t\l,nd im:l:l.døntn!l to '¡;,hl!l ct,x(j)¡:¡:l.ng ~na p~aa1n~ of the í3a:i.d ÎIJI-:l"W c:ha:r.f~I!iIß and (jxþ,m"H~$ of t11 :1· £;0;1.1.01 tor of th0 C!j¡X1H)31li1t1on of ~ \llH~rv:!.s1I)n ul:}(ler f;hif) ,¡,I,gr.,eU\i:lnt ant'!. 17il1<111 alao rwpf~Y the cOßt,:! ~h~ øQmþ~ny'ø wqtk or. the m~øe!1lzaX'y work of inøp0Qt¡ ,on Ò1' th¢l OO1'po:r.a t :l.Ç)TI foX' 06:::,v1C'(3$ by 0,,' th",m in m:mneoí¡ion W:!.th by it to the ::¡;¡!1g:l.1H1~~:i(' .)!¡ot..f1 Cm11!n;lI}ii'l1(m,¡¡:¡:, oX' other off1ØO:¡;'. !:If ~1"Møn O:!7.~~M"I''''Hjm.mt Qf W·~~ ~ 9 . '¡'lfe ÚCr¡IPI.1¡tlY ~h,"l1 ;r (¡:pay t" 1;11(, CorpOl'~~.t:ion aJ.:J. ~1Um.!il p¡¡¡,id $UiJ1¡ ~j:roø<v@dine;!%,. n- 4=j ~ V?- ~- ø'1t:p,}ne0a ,~:hioh th~ Co:rpo:t'~Ltiol1 !1Ihall ~u$tail1 ox bø put 'to by the Ct)X'pox·,..t1on 8,¡g~f;~1n$t ·the 111:1;;ym0n1; of fi'lJ O'¡¡ßtO~íl~;¡¡¡~eo or 1,iI€I:1dli;l the by-law or this Agret¡ ¡,mrl;. tlw OCH'lJ¡;;¡,ny ùha.ll :l.nc1~mi'lir.y !11 thc event of ,,,.ny ¡P'o<1"'I'Hlhlf:ÇìJJ 1:m:i.flfj; ta,1;:en '11,(1 qt\$ìJJh !')'X' IWet :hl It<n X' ;,101;<ilots tlIc t~~:fIW <o!lel OO)ldi tiNlfJ (If t11 in J\g¡;:r{~Eml;:¡nt. pa.rtot' the. Oo¡¡rp",:r¡y to Q:bfiH1X'V<;J 1'!.1¡ â:I.l t1;'I(,~! und fully perform !'!¡a,:Ì1HJ or 'lÞip<!\iI'I Or 'I¡}j(J ll¡¡e th,,1:(;¡o:l1' OX' by a.ny ft.:I.1\'\~1¡¡ on th'iil 1,~ith the l,~y i¡tg, :rr¡¡,Ünf;cm¡\.f\ce , !rofleviftl,l or :¡;"3pal:1:' of the a¡;¡.id nø€;1.i€£enQe o:f: the Oo¡¡¡pany U!'ìß<i;:,v¡¡,ntp 1;)~~gMta in OOnl'tfH:lt;1,on wh ioh !!III;;)/' h(j\¡I'!H;U tH:' '11<;) ;1.1'1 ,,,ny '\~1 !' .y Oß1.iI.!Hld by X'Bt1.$Ol) (If the I',)f m,Qo;l.<).eYlt.:I¡ol.H1 Q:t' injury OI' danmua of <'lV e;¡: y m.t.\tiIÇ' w}¡¡;¡.t.øo¡¡),\r(¡l%.' iii. Tbe Ot)lì1þ!J;\1Y ¡~hl'i::U a.a$ IJJÛC mid l.e T,<ðaponaibla for ¡~1.l risk t>J01'l\p:ty w 1'1;11. thiø At~·~a~'m~nt', th~ \1ork ia vaX'f()rra,~d in £HI(Jh Ii!, 'M.t!1m:U! ai' ßl¡~Ùl in all l'C¡¡I;I¡?~wt$ ena.ble the (J"QX'þn:t'aU(¡!1 to !:tl'pQ:I,nt an , . , 'þ: Inarüétt>:t' to I}Uß thl!1.t ~tt 1 !~¡i\!i\t I),~~ h01JX'a þl!1io:t' not;i.oetheZ'Gof 1ft wrU:i.n~ ~~Q 'st~! '40 mu.ina \)1(' 1;;I;p"'l1I :b bßi?,ul1$the CowI:p¡:;r¡y nha11 g:!.v~~ the OO:f.'I)01('¡¡¡,UO!1 '7. :!1(¡1í'or(j thl:l work of :;ttl;Yinn; , þ r<:lnuwing 017 x(~:p'1h· i rig tho 11$1;>1<1: th.¡¡,r~10r be ;f.n u,oy .,,~y 1nte:!"ferr6~d with. 1$1,~ft~ty of ·th'~ ~£t1t¡($ ~)ß i¡¡lfii:!.i:rød Or the tul:t. use 01" <Hljoy¡1:lønt 1i),;¡'1]}:!:Qnohaa Mh",l:J. w.øt bfl {¡1.:;Ii.rt:ru\!tl1 d 1.'11: the u~orUlnc~Ð Qr. \ !'JO'\\ha.t '~h@' }:IIi!.:i>rii~e :i'i;long 01' .tOl·(~ßa th~ ~ Slit:!..l 'bridgat;l !.'!.nd :tt)<- .AmJ. tl1i~~ Ct?1'llP.f,.1Y1Y Î~) 11l~J 1f2j~Y1~'kg; (;:r,d 'p(~:t'r{l1:'¡;',il1e; t},>:i m:mdtt,;hmw 11J¡;:-¡,.,),Yld to 0~l(l hifld a;;}i~~~~}tl~l" i t,þ ~¡Ul,' (}fJß¡1iI 1)'1'$ ¡mÙ êU'lM i~~~ru1. l"~. ~rl1¢~ ìwnd i 't,i'(ìh!:~ a.rld it). 5.gê!.~,1"m; ~f thi~ Agtaameut $}~~11 €NJl J);t l~{~:t",f¡'!i t t;(~(t by tl'a~ (~O:t;'XtO¡·-~;.1~lQI~ . }HJ low th~ ~}\t~7~~~~ø.a, a1' th~"J wnH! ~¡,pp~oachm.l UtÙI.ISIî1 Qth~n~.¡,¡i¡'<!1 d~,;;;'I.~øt.. ¡:Jí. ,\l1. m¡,(:!.m¡ i:1.p(!. r~·1l~r,:;l ~~ k,ll ~,,~ :U..id not l"ø~ t,h~Þll ß'i.i~ j.nùl'Q$ upon 'b~;J' th~ aO,l'~:~í.):-;ri~,¡;·t i'()n,_ tfl¡~l:I a l\ <~J¡ "iN tll~k ra¡,t,~' p,,¡ (I f)no ;1;~~t 't1li,f\f ¡m1M, (':f' r!:t { <ìÐ detlt:!:'¡1!:i.nO~\ 'r~~,i1) Vi;!' fÖl.wh !J1¡"~'1 t.;)7r, £trn~.l {j,f tlw¡:" I':!.¡;¡ :t:(~q.u"st;~d 1)y thÐ ~ol.m(j11 i)1'.I p i l};::!t~: ¡lent ~ ....,! "'m ""'··'T"wIV h'¡"'l ,.:t.."'f4i<"'~_. \!:á,i.~ ';i:fAI4~~.);"('~ >I" ~;.,.{,.-,,;1¡.. f(r:;?:!;;hV$ i !..h (!wn o~'(Ä!~mne '.'"., "- ¡I,y,,, !&~¡,j, ::~ 'h:t:td;$~~~' 01~ e,111'J';P'1'Otkijh~f:~ ~:i!¡(~ l" tv fi},nj~ 0:1: th'3 ~HÜ(l ~'IiI;i.tl~~ o:t tlu'Ø: r,ü\1,w:l.l ~;hv~:;¡. l:tfY~'t;i.,.L~Jrf:"t 11;::r d¡¡¡Þ;¡.rI\¡;in~ 1;<1 ("¡¡¡if VJ(¡~k Of! I;~ny (If {Ht:lJ! 1)1'~:l.m;¡ !m!.'1 z.'il'\\~1J on ¡~¡¡;/~:1,d l)~i (~,$g~~l~' H,f1~¡ ¥.kþ~,J)~,()~idh~JfiJ . . in O€,ri¡fiiJ t,j,;) <3(')':"'f."~"\f,,!;t1.;>n n:tw,).l )¡*¡,.v~¡ full aont:rol <If' f,,1'l;¡} :!"( t,,t:i£!r~ q:t' ~~ìl~~,~;*it1 f} t ~,h,~,;(¡l'IJt(l ~ it 'bl'; 1.t~g; the :!\nt~,K!U(!i'¡ of )~:¡:tI!ti$¡,ìtll1t 'fJ t}1f..t ;¡;"~·¡f,uJ. :¡;t:!.m1j(; t1).t.,,1~, t;h<iJ {1()\~r¡c.U Qf th~J (;o:t't'u:!t<~t1,'n !i'!~,,(~ ", :!.th î71n,:ì.11R> ar ~:t :t ~~ ft~ ~,~ ~tht¡ !'Jom¡r/UlY ,,,lu.\1..J, öonfü;¡:¡)¡ to :¡;'\'uiiH\on,",f.,l~ 1;~. 111 " 'nr'¡v' ,.\;.I;,.,~ A, 1::;,~ J1';(iS, 11 'fH;~ in tn~ j ~t;~n(1¡~'1f ;1,)18 (1:1.' :r.e:p¡;¡':ir1n~. t,h~ lòl¡¡,j. d to \,j';'i) CO;¡:PQ~·!iiI·tion f(ìrti""j,tll 1!.:!tt.U1I: 't1¡'Þ'.l:r~~~~'t}~i'. "'¡,Hí.l1;¡J() tJt4':1 Corrl!'¡;m;)f th~)\' !'¡aM ~,hu:ll 'tm !}/,$;Ji'.tbl ('¡ b;\" t;u,\ OQt~~'&¡'¡ìY t~ (H) t 1>'.1;' :¡Hwb :I:( t;lo'we.l ~,mt the ::rmH;oJrI;¡.t,1on <tIf t1Jß iiJ,Üd ¡¡¡¡j¡:f;11;oa~11 r¡ll.ty :t'f:l1\1G)V.., 'tht~ Kt~~Y,tl¢;,: 'O'itt liiitlY l¡~1.r1ì. thoí''''~1f ~tntl t¡¡;¡;¡.;y' <I}I(:;,),'$.fJ thl!> <t",¡"t to t1iì@ aj;)J~t'O:¡'¡:ì,i:, i øn, 11l1ft 1n d ,'¡ j~~M,ll t th;¡¡!Ít$¡;¡f th$ C01:j,)Qr£'l.UoA'l 6', ()0/1 (wml :1. t.1.'3n ~-¡;o !'I~¡,~1I'¡:; ~"¡f.:'í:~we .ill lJ{~fo:t'4!I f)tJi:lh 1tt)t~o't¡~,'II{1th~H¡t b""iùg~1;$ re¡y¡d II.PP"í:'\'ìI.i\ahQ ) I~(i í$h!i.\l.l %'0,; tl}:r~ !~\1.0h t1-!¡'J(1:rOM,Q1~61ìi tø f1~,~ '1;1;<;) C:(¡;rp¡' %'I1,t~,91'ì tiO .!('k'tl'Yt;}OV~ ;¡"t¡$,I }f~"~:P(~~t~t f,:<¡ 1a thø ~¡u.1d tt'tmoh:l.Mo h!í<t't¡'!;;y i~;¡'tint<l~ì (j()t~)P~\ì!<t~:,v ø 1f. :ï\'!;\(11.!i0ßt0,;!. ~b;V :u. \11.JI:>rJ IÞ"'£,1/!.!\i<t;,i,m', or ()tllr,~'t! d\'#t';\-rf,¡1n&tUJ;}!'ì of thlal by.....l,t~'w' t"nd C!:hnp",:¡, "·1,1 ~ ~"',"·~"v"".¡.. fl,)iI'~~;W! &-Ä$;,:¡-<,w't""',~*~f .'"&1. . r.wd I¡ht! a~):V1;~Oj;~a',1~, ;Lon m~*,:l' th0~~\\¡1~n fQ~~~11y X0~Dal thq;¡ I) :Üt\ to Ct:l~:r¡¡t\'ny %'0:1.' m,ìl~? 1tH)zttãt~~Jl~~~% t j,\j'r~ ~ji:J: X'O:!' m..Hlh fl):r.f,¡¡:!;l;u:S:{1 Wl10U,y ~1'H¡'¡,j!jj "md tl>ß't{-t:t'tf;~lnø 1f 1 thvœt tillf.! c.Q:t')?øJ'."~~·Uon ì:¡;aitl¡;j¡ li1>\,'bl0 t;..$~ t II x~ thf! ¡¡,:(~)i¡::l.\\t:ì,(m t1f t~}}~ J,H;:!:':h.ld Ïlui:mtiún~d .:I.n i,1 tlt\h md;: '( 1f:I P¡..'j:\111,~£!(J¡¡1 ht:!J t.1I1i.::t:t <i>t th~¡ OX'UOI'I 'Of tho;¡ '¡~~¡.:J.d, J;>(e::l.':l.m~ ft.:n. ~~(J X':!'.1tlf. (iy th¡,; 1\:-'> ~",'¡jHt> .ké,l'Jr'~\ ~,~.~, -!,,,,.- t ~~..,¡''?Þ' 'f'WBfa1¡~)¡1IJ ('jO~jl~:'¡¡\n.i' f:e"'.fHthi fj<i¡ and. , ;¡:,¡'I!lIØÛY ttu~ ¡")~~M¡ b%"t¡'iM:lb ~~1'Id in "" ~h,,\l~, -%1.1 U:n!n the 6 and Qovøn~ntß On ita part to be oþ$erved and pørformßd,the Oor¡)oration ~ovenantß with the Company not 1.;9 repeal,alter or !'Wend the ea.id by"law 01:> r(~vo1$:e anY of the privi:J,egi!!f5 thereby granted ",1thou1: th@ consent in writing of the Company. 16. U' any dil;lpute anall atisè 'between the Company and .... , the Corporation as to 'bhé manner in whioh thè said lÜpel;l ax!!! baing :\;aid ,maintained. renew.ed or repaired the sarne shal.l be referre4 to the Engineer of theCorpore¡:Hon'I!Jhoø¢ deois:i,on shall 'be f'in;:¡;¡ and binding. :tN 'l'J¡TN'I11SS WI1JmJj;O:W the Company' h;3.$ h¢;ceunto affixed ita sefil l1ndert th$ hands of the p:roper offioers in that'b~h~t'<liIJ'Id the C9l'J)i'.);r¡;¡,UoJ:l h,as affixèd its seal urld"r the hand!, of th$ Warden oounter~¡¡j.gned 'by the C).erk. The Centr¡¡,l Pipe Line Oompany! Limit.ed. , Presid.en t. ~.A ,.¿O~ S,ecre,ta.:ry. ~ ~ '",: . "" J - , --' ::u--..~ ...----b ·d J. '\ r,