I3Y-LAW NO. 808.
To Appoint Arbitrators.
Passed 26th January, 1912.
WhereaS, three appealS have been received from ratepayers of the
Townships of Aldborough and Dunwich against the ref'usal of' the
Councils of' the said Townships to consider their applications f'or
the formation of' two new~nion School Sections between the said
Townships, and the alteration of' an existing Union School Section,-
Number 15 Aldborougl:). and 15 Dunwich'" and. wb.¡'reas it is .deemed ad-
visable to appoint not more than three arbitrators to determine
the mat.ters . com;pla1ned of' in accordance with the provisiqns of' the
Public SchoolS Aot;
The Elgin County Council therefore enacts:
That William Jackson of Port Stanley, Gentleman,
Sydney S. MoDermand of the Township of Malahide, Yeoman, and
Charles O. Luton at the Township. of Yarmouth, Yeoman,
be and are hereby appointed ArbitratorS -þo determine the matters
òomplained of in the appeail:s herein before ref'erred t.o.
Council Chambers,
St. Thomas, 26th January, 1912.
Clerk. Warden.