EY-LAW NO. 809.
To Appoint a Board of Audit in the County of Elgin for the
year 1912.
:Passed 26th January. 1912.
Be it enaoted by the Counoil of the MUtJicipal corporation of the
County of Elgin;
That the JUdge of the County CJourt and Daniel l\4cKillop be aRd e,:re
hereby appointE>d members of the Board of Aúdi"b. to perform the dut;j,
ies required of them by Chap. 85. R.S.O.
That the members of the said Board be paid the sum of Four Dollars
per day for their servioes. and five cents per mile going to and
from such audit.
Council Chambers,
St. Tho:œas, 26th January. 1912.
'. ., ~
Co. Clerk. Warden.