814 ~ ._._-~---"",~- BYl.LAW NO. 814. ------- To CON.~':rRM: BY-LAW NO.. 883 of' the Township of Malahide. Passed 13th June, 1"912 V!HEREAS By-Law :WO. 883 of the Township of Malahide for clos- ing and stopping up that part of' the Road allowance b>etween Lots 10. ançi 22, Concession Qne of the Township of' Malehide, " , '. >,was passed in Oouncil on the fðth day of March, 1912; AND WHEREAS it is desirable that sa.id By-Law should be con- firmed by this OoUtJcil; The Elgin County COUtJcÜ therefore enacts that By-Law No. 883 of the Township of' Malehide be and is he.rebY .confirmed. Oounty Oouncil Oha;nibèrs, .st. Thomas, 15th June. 1912. Oounty Clerk Wa,rden. · ., BY"LAW .\YO 883 - Of the 'fownahip of MaleJ1i de for closing and stopping <,p ---'" '~h~,t part of the Road Al10wance between Lots ~jumbérs Ten i If~;u ¡ and Eleven, in the First Concession, of the said Township 4"." .. I; I' ,i exten ding South to the ,yater' ß edge of Lake Erie from the i ! ~:' ", ....,.. ',' .. "" "l -:', , ,c, _, "', .... __.. ';il·:j South Umit of the Public RO!1d or Highway extending over and across said. Lot Ten, where projected East to the West limit 0:1:' said. Lot Eleven, in the~'irst Concession, of the sf-lid 'rownship of 1Jfalahide. WHEREAS printed l~otices of' the intended By-Lßw have! bøén postêd. up for onemoI).th and upwardS inaix of the most oonsp;¡'cuousplaceßi in the immediate nei ghb9:rhoodofthe said Highway,. and.' published wßeklyfor fo:urw&eks. in thé East Elgin Heforrl\s:r, a Newspaper pu,bliqhea in the Town of A~lI¡ter . sit:uatedwithin the SEj.id ~oWI\ship. .. ".. ," ¡. "-c>' . ..,'J ....... c<.··. .'. .'" l\ND WHg.RJ:í1AS the skid part of the Road Allowanoe' 1ntønded. to be closed by this By-Law is a oul-de-sac having no outlet to the East, South or west and is of no benefit or 1 use to the Public, B.m I'.C ~fHgHEFORE :illNACTliJD by the Municipal Ccuncil of thâ Oorporation of thé Tovmsliip of Malehide as fQllows;- L THAT from end. after the passing of this By-to.w '.;";.' .. (änd thóConfirmation thereof by tlie C6uncil hereinafter mentioned) all thht part of the Road 1Illo~ance betw&en ,,,;; , .'.; Lots l~mnbßrs Ten !:HJd. IÙeven, in the .U'irst Concession of tho I! )' .. said 'fownship, <oxtßnding :~outh to the water's edge of !,ake I' 'Erie from the south limit of the Public Hoad or Highway II ~ I i! extending over and aoross said Lot Ten wher& projected. East Ii I! II !I to the West limit of said Lot EleVen, in the First Oonoession I: I of the said Township of Malahide ahall be stopped up and. I I , i IL_~______ :1 " , II 1¡ 'I j .. , / 4 ANY By-Law inconsistent with this By-Law By~Law or re801ut ion IlÞPx:oveor direct of ;in such way as the Council of the Oorpora,tion may by and so directed to be conveyed BIl all be sold. and disposed sa.id. the said Þs.rt of the Highway $0 closed and. stopped up owner , of the sum above mentioned. In default of payment by within the peTioli afore- said adjoining ::3 , the said. Highway in fee simple Beal of the the adjoining lands and i ':t)ov(J;1ship thereto oonveying the said part of thé party owning affix the Oôrporate the Highway sO stop'ped up a.nd closed to th e respecti va execute a conVeyance in fee simple of the ßaid. part of Oorporation of the thereof the Reeve and Township . Clerk of the said Township may of Malahide for the uses portion of the aaid Highway to the 'rreasurer of sum of owning the TEN DO 11..&118 adjoining lands on the {est s1 de of by Mary Clemens Widow the of 1;he said Highway first entitled the reto o.n ·the a.d.joining lands on the East Side of the said ten days ther¡;¡after by George It WillSon the party Elgin and on payment of the Sum of TE1~ DOUARS withln of this By~Law by the County Council of the County of 2 FRQM and. imlJ'i$d.ia,tely after the confirma.tion vided. be disposed of, aold and conveyed as hot'oiœ.fhrp.ro- Highwa,y forever closed a.nd the said part a.nd the said part of the said 00/;\ 11 cease to 'b e a. 1Iigh'lV&Y shall -2-· ! ~~J____~__.~_~_ OLERK lœEV]~ G,ck~ Qf March p PASBED D. 19113. in open Counoil this Sixteenth day is hereby repealed -3-