815 -~~ BY LAW.:NO To Provide a Rule fOJ:' the Election of the Warden. The Municipal úouncil of the úorporation of the QOlmty of Elgin enacts: THAT the following shall be the procedure to be observed in the election od the Warden:~ lo'~ The ClerI<:: of the CoUtJty shall ta]re tJj¡'e chair at two o'clock in the afternoon of the Fourth Tuesday of the month of J'an1lary in each year or at such hour ÐXld on such day thereafter as he shall find the majority Of the members of the Council present in the COUtJcil Ohamber; 2..... THAT the dlerk shall prepare lists of the names of the memberS in perpendicular ahd horizontal lines, and a card f~ each member with the name of the member written or printed thereon; ", , ',.,.: . \ 3..... THAT the Òlerk e¡haJ.linform the membex:s thàt he h ready to proceed withtþeeleqt:tori of one of theirri11Ìnþer to be Warden; 4o~ THAT h~·shall thereupon take from ä receptacle inwhi ,.",,: '.,. '..,'" "" " '--""',.' '- the cards have be,~n p:pa,ced,one <:)a,rd at (J, time as it come¡:¡ ton. l1and.aD.,d can uponthe ¡exu"!?o:r' whose hsme appears tÞereonto s/1-Y ". ',.., ", ,.'. ,,' ." " . , ,., for whOm he.qali!tsl1is vote, and the Clerk shan placethefigü:t' """"--",."",,',, '."'.., ".,.,..... ".. '"'''''' ..,' , " - l~der tMn,smeof t,l1em:,mber fo rwhom the vote was cast. When all~Ä~memberStla.ye.voteð.,t1:I.e~lerk shall forthwi th,inform 'jfu . , mel!fber's of the. result and the Øle.rkshall conti nue the SÐJne pIJO QedtIre untHhe,sh011find that: a,xu¡¡,jori ty of the vat es have bee: cast fo!'one'membe!', arldshåll thereon declare the election of s-¡¡ch member" 5~... TB:AT the Warden-elect shall forthwith sigh ahd de.clar and read aloud tte declaration of office and on the completion thereof, he shall take the chair; õ¡,'~' T,HAT all ByLaws heretofore passed fOJ:' this purpose be at1 d tl1e ssme are hereby repealed. Passed at St. Thomas, this 13th day of June, A.D,1912. County Clerk, Warden. I -¡. ,. j' I;' " I·· .1 )' ;' i: L B Y - LAW NO 815 ----- TO AU'rl'IO.RIZE THF,PIVE~ING. OLOSING. STOPpING Up. SELLING OR OTHERì^l:rS)!J. DISPOSING 0)3' PART OF .THE ROAD· KNOWN AS ·'KAINS HILL" IN THE TOw.NSHIP OF. YARMOUQlU ANJ) BEING PART OF LOT NO . 1 IN T}Œ ,','....... '.' , ,..... .. '- ',..' ... . -, ",. ' .' 8TH OQNOEpSI()N OF YARMOUTB:. . . . ., .. \ ~----------------- ~v.aEREAS the OorPQ~ati9n of .the T01~~A~P of Yarmouth has made certain permanent improvements on that certain highway known as flI~ins Hillf. beinß.' part of' lot number One int,he E:ii~hth Ooncession of said Townshipf AND wm::RE'J\.s inmakir:w said. improvem\?rrts .i t beoa,m.~neces,sàrY to. ð,cquire .certain .landsf:r'p¡no:qe Robé1rt, Rai.nsand as partdon:- sideration for the said lands it was agreed thatthe.Corpo:r'- ation of the ToWnship of Yarmouth iJhouilidoolJ.vey to the said Rob~rt Kains sl.\chportionsof' šåid·· a:~ghW'à'(às. shoulct .bè .closed up and no longer;i:-equire<Ì bYthéäa,idOorporåtiolJ. for the purPoses. of pUbliê travel. Â.NDWfJEREAS thé landß.þereinafterdésêribeda:be no longer re- quiredfor theþurpoiJes of' publi.s travel and it has been deemed expedient to close up theS$.m.e and· to conveythèså.Ji¡e to the sa,idRobfeJrt Rains; AND VlHEJ:Œ1AS notj.ce. of the inten:tion .01'. theMunicipalOourìcfl " to pass th.is By..:L.aw has b"Emgi'itên by adv"rtiSem.ent, in the St. Thom;; as Daily Tiírres, .à NewSpaper published in the Oity of' S'le . Thoihås ~ for four sucoessiv" weeks. that s to saY. on the 20th and. 27th· ~ays of Sept"mbèr 1911 ar¡d on the 4th and 11th days ofOptobèr. 191f.. and by posting up on the 20th day of Sep:tember A.D. 1911 tJT:pewri ttennoti,ceS of' the ib.tèn:Üon of the Oouncil topass this By-Law in six of the most public places in the neighborhood of that portion of tl1e highway so propos'ed to be closed ~'...h B .Ä PVh\. 110 n~-2 haB 'ètit ßC and no as an; Closfrtg and stopping up of' the said portion of the said hiÉhway, or to the passing of this By-Law: THEREFORE the Corporation of the Township of' Yarmouth by the Oouncil there6f. ENAoTS AS FOLLOWS:- 1.- THAT all that portion of' the Highway knoan ás Kains Hill in the Township of Yarmouth which may be pa,rticularly des,cribed as follows:- " Being compos'ed oi' part of' Lot Number One in the Eighth Conpession of' the Township of' Yarmouth. commencing in the ,centre of' the old 'Road Allowance known as the Road down Kains Hill at a point 20' f~et easterly f'rom the intersection of"the west line of the lands. conveyed by .one John Cha~low to the Cor- poration of' the Township of Yarnlou'h, by Deed reg- istered in the Registry Of'f'ice of theCoUtJty of' Elgin as No. .21805 for Yarfu.outh. thence f'Qtlowing the centre line of' the Old road down Kains Hill, a distance of' 450 f'eet more or less. to the intersec~ ion of the west,erly limit of Southwold Street in the City of' St. Thomas produced southerly across ~ettle Creek and having a 'fj:idth of 30 feet on each sJ.de of the centre IJ.ne. - be and the same is .closed and stoppedttp. 2.- The Reeve and Clerk are hereby authori~ed and em- powered to execute under the seal of' the Cor- poration ánd to deliver to Robert Rains of the City of St. Tho:rnJ:1,s, in the Province of' Ontario, Physician.. a Deed of Conveyance of the said hereinbef'o.['6 des- cribed land. PASSED in Open Council this sixth day of' Noveinbe~ A.D 1'911 George RusseLL, Reeve, W C Caughe 11 . Clerlr ~ B Y LAW N O. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF.ELGn! . TO CON:FIRM BY-LAW NUMBER 815 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF YARMOUTE. passed the 6th day of November A. D. 1911. -..-,--- ._-- WHEREASth~ Qorpor~tion of the Township of Yarmouth on the Sixth day of November A. D. 1911, passed By-law num- ber 81, to authorize the diverting, closing, stopping. up selling or disposing of part of the Róad known 8!~ "Kains Hill" in the Township ,of Yarmoui;h. and being pa.rt of lot number One in th.e eighth Concession of the Townsn.ip of Yarmouth, and the said By-law wa.s duly registered in the Registry Office for the County of Elgin on the<28thâayof November 1911 as No; 22842 for Yarmouth. ANDWHERF.AS the Corporation of the Township of<Yarm01.lth has requested the Council of the Count;y of Elgin to con- firm the said By..;lawinpursuanGe of sub-section 2(b) of Section 660 of The ConsoHdS,t,ed MUnicip,õÜAct 1903.' AND WHEREAS the Council of the said County of Elgin deem it expedient to co nfirmthe said. Bý-law so pass'~by the CoUncil of the TOWl1ship of Yarmouth. THEREFORE the Corporation of the Qounty of Elgin, by the Council thereof,ENAQTSASFOLLOWS:'" THA'J:'the said. By..law No. 81, passed by the Coun.cilof the Township of Yarmouth on the 6th day of Nove~ber A. D. 1911, be and the same is hereby confirmed. PASSED in Open Council this day of Jun'e A.D.1912. -..-.-- Warden: - Clerk.