819 BY LAW NO. S19. TO RAISE M[OUNTS FOR OOUNTY RATES DURING THE YEAR 1912. Passed June 13th. 1912. WEEREAS. an estimate has Qeen made. showing "l'h at the ". sum ofFifty~two thousand Three hUtJdred and Ntnety~eigl1t dollars is required in be raised ih the several Municipalities for the lawful purposes of the County during the year 1912; ~TD WHEREAS, by the Assessment Act, this Council is requi ed to direct what portion of the sum to be levied for CoUtJty purposes shall be levied in eachMUtJicipality in the OoUtJty; c¡N¡" AND WHEREAS. the rates required to be calculated at so ^ much on the dollar upon the actual value of all the real and personal prope riJ¡ as equalized in the preceding year; AND WHEREAS. the. actual value of' the real and personal property of the County, as ascertained and equalizrd in 1911, ia as follwv¡s: ~ Muni cipa.lity. Total Equalized Value. Aldborop.gh. IO.... . . . io ..,...... ... d' 2.977,254 . IO'~'~ ])unwi oþ. . . . . . . . . . . . . ,.' . .' " . . . . . " It,. . 3.198,254 SOll"t.b,wold. ,.. . . .,.. . IO.. . IO.. ... . . IO... 3.840.267 Yarm.outh..... . '" oil... . _,_ oil'. It,. .'.. . .-. . 4.6H,657 Nlala11i d.e. . IO. .. . . . . . .. . . .' . . oil. . .. . 2.839,810 ßa~Tll.alrl. '.,. 011.",. . . . . . _. . .. . .: . . '. '.'.. . . ." . 1,909,.513 80uth DorChester.. .... · . . 1.678,55;3 Aylmer. IO..., ~..., . . . . · . . 973.819 Dutton" 10.. IO....._, . .,.. · . , 330,524 Port.Sta~ley;;. . . . 218,893 Springfield . ... H4,660 Vienna. . . . . . . 99,707 Rodney.... 218.772 West Lorna . . 2J6, 633 {'.:t·: ,,~,.: ~----- $ 23.288,315 I , THEREFORE. the CoUtJcil of the Corporation of the COli.l1ty of Elgin enacts: ". ~,. - That the rate of Two and One Quarter Mills on the Ib lIar '" bè levied on all rateable proper~y in the several Municipalitj in the Gounty, as above se~ for~h. for the year 1912, .to rais the following amomlts: 2.-- THAT the sum of Fif~y-two thousand Three hundred and NInety eight dollars be raised and levied in the several Municipalities in the County. according to the following schedule. and that the amoUtJts. Ð.S entered therein. be paid to the bounty 'l'reasurer, as by law required: SCHEDULE. ------- Mu.nicipali ty. Total. Alclborough. . . . . . . . . It . " . . . . 00 0 .~$ 6,699 Dunwich. . . . . . . . . 'f' . . . of' . . . . . o. 0 0 7.196 South~voldo. .. t,1 It.. ... .. . '. .. 'f ., o. 0 0 8,6<.),1 Yarmoutb...',.. ........... ,',...... . . 0 0 10,444 I\I1alahid~e. . .. . . . . . . .. . ,. . . . . .. 00 0 0 6,390 Bayllam. ,', . . . . . . . . II . . . . " .~ . o. 0 0 4,296 South Dorchester............. 00 0 0 3,777 i1.ylmer " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 · · 2.191 .Dut,ton........ t_,....... t_,... . . 0 0 744 Port Stanley................ 0 0 · 492 Springfield................ · · 325 Vienna............,¡,. .... .,. 0 · 224 Rodr.I.ey........... " .,:........ 0 0 492 Vllost Lorne.. II . .. it . . It . . ... · · 487 ..;.- :It 5~~, 398 " ÙOèmty Council Chambers. St. Thomas. JUtJe 13th. 1912 COUl'lty ÙlekJl:: Warden.