824 BY LAW NO. 824. To Appoint Auditors ~or the Year 1913. Passed 31st January. 1913 Whereas. under the authority of The Municipal Act. every Municipal Oouncil is required to appoint, at its first meeting every year. two Audi tors; Be it therefore enaated by the Oouncil of the Municipal Oorporation of' the Oounty of' Elgin. under the authority aforesaid, 'rhat Walker O. Caughell and W. A. Galbraith be and are hereby appoÜ1ted Auditors to examine and report upon all the accounts af'f'ecting the Corporation of Elgin. or relating to any matter undEJr its control or wi thin its jurisdiction. as required by stH,tute òr order-in-council, and also all accounts of school moneys received or paid by the County Treasurer f'or the year ending 31st December. 1912. and that the said Audttors be paid the sum of' Sixty Dollars each f'or their services. County Council Chambers. 31st January. 1913 ~ ~ Clerk. Warden.