BY LAW NO. 830.
To Grant Additional Aid to Schools.
Passed 12th June, 1913.
The Goúnty Oouncil of Elgin enacts :
1. That the Bum of' One Thousand Six Hundred and 1'wenty
f'ive Dollars be granted to the f'ollowing schools:
Aylmer eollegiate Institute.......$ 650.00
Dutton High School................ 6[50.00
Vienna High School..... '. . .. .. .. .. . . .. Q . 325.00
$ 1625.00
2. That the St. Thomas Collegiate Institute be granted
an amount equivalent to twenty per cent. of' the cost of'
maintenance Of' Oounty Pupils.
., That the grants to Oontinuation and l1'j.f'th Class
ü. Schools be ms,de on the basis of' Two Dollars and One-Hálf'
to each dollar granted by the Government.
(:Jounty OoUtJcil Ohs,mbers.
st. Thomas. 12th June. 1913.
fA; ,
OoUtJty Clerk. Warden.