831 BY T...AW NO. 83l. To Haise AmoUJb.ts for Oounty Rates during the Year 1913. Passed 12th June, 1913. WHEREAS, an estimate has been made showing that the sum of Sixty-four Thousand and Forty-three Dollars is re- quired to be raised in the several Munioips,li ties f'or the lawful purposes of' the Oounty during the year 1913, AND \~¡EREAS, by the Assessment Act, this Counoil is :re~ quired to direct what portion of the swn to be levied for (jounty purposes shall be levied in each Municipality in the Oounty; AND WHEREAS. the rates are required to be apportioned on the basis of the assessment of property as equàlized in the preceding year; AND WHEREAS, the assessment of property of the ('jounty as ascertained and equalized in ~912, is as follows : Municipali ty. Total Equalized Value. Aldborough. . . .. . · ..... ;~ 2,977,254 Dunwich. .. .. .. t,t .. .. .... .-. 3.198.254 Southwold....... """ " 3,840,267 yarmouth........ · " .. . 4.641,657 Malahide....... " ."" " 2.839,810 Bayham. .. .. . " .. " . .. . 1,909,513 South Dorch<;Jster .. . 1,678,55}1, A'Y'l!ner" .. " " " .';, . ~ .. . 973.819 Dutton. " . " " " " .-. .. . 330,524 Port Stanley... .. . 218,893 Springfield. . . . f 144,660 ,," " Vienna."".."...." ,; · 99.707 Rodney. .. " " .. .. .. .. .. · 218,772 West Lorne . . · 216.663 $ 23.288,3J r THl~Hl~FORE , the Council of the Municipal Oorporation of the County of Elgin enacts : .1. THAT a rate of Two arid~hrèé-quarters Mills on the Dollar be levied on all rateable property in the severÐ,l Municipalities in the County of Elgin, as above set forth, for the year 1913, to raise the following amounts; 2. THAT the sum of Sixty-four Thousand and Forty~three Dollars be raised and levied in the several Municipalities in. the County. according to the following schedule. and that the amounts. as entered therein, be paid to the County Treasurer as by law required SCHEDULE. MUtJicipality. Total. Aldborough......... '\ 8187 · . ·'1P Dunwj,ch.. tI... .. .... . . · .. . 8795 Southwold.....~o... · .. . 10561 Yarmou th. . " . . . . . . .. . . . . 12765 Malahide. . '. . . . " . . . . · . 7809 Bajt1J.arn..... ,',... '0·..... · . 525J. . South DOrchester... .. 46J.6 AJtlm,er·.. . . . . . .. . .. .,. . . · . 2678 Dutton. .. ...... . . ,,' .. . .. · . 909 Port Stanley....... · . 602 Sprinf7ie~d........ · . 398 Vi enn.a .. . . . . ~' . . . .- . . . , . 274 Rodney. . . . . .. . . . . .. . .. · . 602 West Lorna......... 596 ~~ 64,043 County Council Chambers. St. ~rhomas, 12th June, 1913 jÿ I ~ County Clerk. Warden.