833 BY LAVI NO. 833 r~eo ,Am. end By-La\iY No ~ 8270 Passed ~~8n Novernber? 191~3C1 'l'he Oounty Oounci.l oJ" JÜginenacts : Tbf3.,-t By-Law No" fJ2? 'Lbe and iß hereby amended by adding :;heret the eollovÜng : ' ~xp8nses of Sending to HOllSS" firThe experlU0~j of' sending all persons ·toths Houss of Industry shall be determined by -ells ìJ8,rt:Les comm:i.tting them and shall in no cass exceed twenty Gents þer mile witb a mintmum charge of ":'1 "0 ':F (I',), II If That the expenses shall be paid 1n the f1r3t i.n3to,nce by the municipality from wbj.ch the inmate is sent to be rerun on pref]8ntat:i.on of' accounts to the Oounty Oouncil." Oounty Oouncil OnarnberB, '''to rYhomas j?8th November, 191:3. t~ , ~ Oounty Olerk. Ward.8n