To Authorizo the 1;Js,rden to stf':n QuitClaim JJeed
Passed. 2Sil November. 191?),~
\VHIi~Rb:AF) on the Udrd cla,y of January lea5, Oharlon G'raV8S of thE
Vi.lla~?·.e of £P ingal gave the Count2! of Elp).:n. an agreement author-
izirlf the Olerk of the Oounty Oouncil to leane LatE> 21 and. ~?;3
on tbo ~) ()utlJ ;:31de ot~ L::1,narl( Street a.nd iJot 23 on the ]~ast Side
of Inverne~js Street in tho said village of' Finf:~al, amJ. to
recoive ancl co118ct:. 1'8n.ts and a,pply same tovV"ards tl1e 1Tlf),intenanc
and ßupport of lVLary A.nn Grave~), B,n inmD. to o:f the Oounty House
of Ind.u8try and Hef'uge. and whoI'oas ttJG sald J.'¿ary Ann Grrxves
eli ed on tILe ~~n" day of J'anuary lß96 and all claims 8.g'E:1Jinst tbe
said property for her maiYltenance have been satisfied,
JiND V'}Hj::;H}~;AD ap:plication has bee11 made for tbe cancellation of'
the f:\a1(J. agrcement,
The County Oouncil of Elfin enacts:
THA11 tho \''/arden be é),nd js horoby autborized to execute a Quit
Olaim Deed. in Y'e:t"'erence to tIle r)roperty mentioned in the said
agr'oement [j,n.d D,ff'ix the OorporationSeal thoreto,
Oounty Gounc:ll ChambE)l's,~J8th November, 191;:5.
Count~l Clerk iI,rardelJ