835 ~ BY LA\V NO. 835 iJ-~~"t..ï. ,.J:j(J oYT:lïe -T'ownship oÍ'¡VJalah:Lde 1:-Jaß8od ~~;tjfl November, 101~5 . V,i}-H:¡;HEAf3 By-LE1"1¡V No. 8913 of the ':CownBhip o-f }".ia18,htdevnì..Bpassed on the Seventh day of July 191::3. to authorize tho Glos:Lng and stopp:Lng up. ~e]-linß and conveying or otherwise disposing of a portion ot' Hale Street or Hoad DJ.lcJWanGo in tho Village at' Port Bruce, .I\ND hIJT.EHJ!~iU). i ,t is desirable that said By-Law should be con- firmed. The County Council of the County of Glgin therefore enacts, THAT By-Law No. 89G of tJ1e '.l'ownhJÜp of Jvlalahide be and tb.e Bame if::) lJereby confirlnecI" COlJ.nty Council Crw,mbers ;:jt ':Chomas, 00f! November. 1913 (:,JC) Oounty Clerk. j1l~ ~;U~ :!~ö] lø1(¡~§ Gm1!'1(,tl 0'(" (J (}fxr I):!:'i'd, ~t on :1'1):1:'111 (¡\l1/iloi),¡,l )t' 11! (J V1Xlfii 11 tv by ,,:t: Mi 1,;"(!;1 i'~e * !Jø 1:~ iho!'/¡) prl.òI}IJt':1!(¡\!Ì H;i'~lüw no Obj,H:>tiO 11 hÜß ~1 J~t:11r(·ln to th ë :1:1.11, lio 'ù~Qrk~~ :{ff);t..' Ute Dor;¡in!otl ~j~t '\I'tllNl!;e ,) f ',!?i):¡' 'b· li:ru o.¡¡ ,\$ r$]) rL~f,¡0 \ toil o Üii:n.JC\ti (H1 of ,;', i;nrni:r\fl: ~1:tL oli;e<1/ 'htL~rtn ~H:Þi·(t 1.'$qu:i.res tho IJ~1i :1 ltttlt1 t~ ¡:¡/1H t' sð by the ;rtul(mt 'Of l:lîbHo !I i~S: rø}ìrKJ~ttiGnil ,.... lÜ:$ )) r¡Hid.(J. 1:own!.\hip Tl1~b7,j, ifihl~¿¡ in 'tJ.\~ {!';lI!!!Ø:.:' ~ :\t 'Ai.ì ,. t~ '" '¡Jd,1~ 'i:~Ö'¡¡:l¡ tf M YíY':-~ '1~ ,,8 do we~1 > ,'1"' "'1"\'" ",,..L ) ,,;':j ;;IT 'j\.þl!l:t' );¡/jo/t GH.:l ([ " I! u'bJ.iGh ed 1,1' the mo¡; t; :"r;¡¡ap'icv.(~Ú$ pl~:ües :t'n.{'fíl I'i.:JJ. t~, \; Q nöj,§jhlH1\'~ 1)\'1011 ~)') $~; 0(1 Pl'l 'Up n'~ ~ï \1 xw't:! (;(HJ :r.!)¡- OJ)() \(tmJtl'~:h [>11 (1 Jì:t'(rp~¡~1Qd 'll pW¡'~t. t'~ls :1:11. ~t% 11;:rvc 'Ö d øSOf.'i bi)Q. hy yn \'It~$ and b (lUX) ð,¡,¡¡ "~l (':n -'"-.. /i,.:t" ¡¡¡J),~(/ 'P",J.'ti<:m1¡¡ 1...1;~· hl;l'¡:(Ü t);J 1':1;(11' :tn WI<> Villr"ß'-' (¡j;' ;;¡"t«fO in Cmm.t,V ¡H);r HOIl 0:1' 1,) '::t::r0(¡t .t "'0, r,:,; .1:' !"~()"4ð, Al low(~nc;il a QZl\l'o,ying , Q:t~ \oj tho ~~,d fJ~) ()t:;t:U8 Q ¡:i 'j~ ut, Q::!.osit:lg ?¡'):t i~ ll(¡ t1't :::'0 W11tlbi.j;\ ) pp:!.ng ö:!? i!.!¡:.lb¡'h :1. d I~ up SGU i¥)I~ R.1tI t:\lorizi11¡ì ~H!ð, ,-J/i'No"'''''''' :ay.~:4A.W '".......-......-'^',.',.,..,~,"--""""'.....~-"..".--,'",_.....,""""".-,-............. 8\i6. --.:::---------,=~~,~;;;;:.-' 1. T-:¡:wr froro a.nd þì'.LfJal utì: <it this 1ìy-lmr {,LL 'í'UA~ P!J,¡,t of' 1<:,1e :!'ørming P~1't 0: ori/;,inf,l Tta:r.ro. r,ò1; ~(1).mbøi ~1:x. l~'i r$t 001'lJ.í6 $a,5, ~ oj' j'hn '"ù1~:nßhlr of 1"ll<hii1t"> 4n ¡"q.l "~uxty 'J" "I¡gin .." '" .J .., ,I. _ 'X" 11, A:,-..:J ",',-. . f..,'" Jlc' ,(;.".., .. '_." ~ ,/4'": ;,t.,!",,, ìJ 1 .. .. .'~...,. .. ."":, ..1,., ..', ';>_' .... .. .. 'hl 1¡11." Fl'ovi11GG of ¡'\ntlld.o. "!' Sf;EJ····- 'HI: elk " -~ !' è!: "g;;b , ~." ~ " '."....~. -, ,', ...~, "'·.....v··.,~·.. ¡{¡,,' ( ontHinine by mìrl'<:HŒu:t'ern~mt I¡j.Y1(¡t~!-tw('() '!e thr.>1a¡;;i:t1¡it:!:\a 0"' "'n ,. "'¡"('; '0 <.'1< )" 4[',',0 :CE) -Ö l' lø,ß;:~'1 ~ 1)(1 Lng J1!O¡'ß .!.t. ',< <-"\.,;.... ~-. (~ &\$ t;t;J:'":t "Ì)t) (I nfi} :f::011:'.1\f¡t~1 ',' t;Öt?tty'~, - r,t,t '~1 ¡"oint in t¡'¡,'rlv' '¡4¡¡¡:it "r!' <:;"1,; .. !.'." ".. .. '.., -/h(' "".. ,,'... ¿~.I';^",' ," ~"t;r~$£3 t, '(Ihi:r'br-f.tve fElet; Ü:.C' ;$jh.t; Jštk.r;x'terJ~y ~ l1\~:tt ö f \~'f1 'I; ør ~~tl'!.1~d¡ in tfl(~ /)1¢ føaû:1.d lim1.t,:.· 't'll( n<H> J·hl~~'(;():t.':1:1 ¡]f¡VM1t;y f'f¡ot;, 01' JAHH!, with it' I:! :Ì.J.1t~1X'~ S$ot'l on ~'d' '1;11, tllø o'(11!!.1:ide ~dp:(I- t!HJ '"',,, 13'" !'I,..'!" i"Joø J:i/....:" '*' ¡,. ~..,. . ~ ,.' â .' ~ -.. .:, " .: Pi: tho (i.ov ørnrJl0l'ït pi ø~' 1)T,OcÎttl;;øf! Hox'1;he:r.'1y:. I)' h0n(~¡¡¡ Horth "¡j;('rly 0., "·h! ét'y"1'1; :feøt' {'Of"I')")1" j ~"< .-.:1,"/:1"" ,:;" ':. ,~: .;"fok};, J.. "" .... ..,t'j.J'> ',' C, '. ~~,!, ,., ;-~ L ' ..;f.~t:1'}~1('<"'~) ·LÌ.ie ¡ih(IY.'('J 11nQ of O~,t:f':l.oh (i1"~e1, to 11;' r.¡ i:n1101'f,øction l';:Il,h th~¡ N'(,~·tl'G:I.'ly Hlu1t with nl:il1'< :;I;:r.ørrl¡; 't')-¡ØY1M ',::öst- ø~).y ;I)'1:('t;:7-'I;\'(0 felit. I¡jO),'f¡) 142:' 1&$$, 1n î;J1Ð t¡'~l'the:tly limit 0:1' Hi")('J Ht'l:'!õ<ì!t to a¡:>oint 'l'hj :rty~1T\1$ f<;¡öt: .(¡¡¡;,s·¡¡ oK thfJ g¡M;rtG~~1.;~ lÌ!\Jil; '"r W~:tøJ:' ,'.t:r¡1J{<¡"G i.1:! the r,'!'oren¡1,id lim,!'& ; :¡;h0narJ "outhlnrly "¥.: 1'1:1..);; l'¡,),¡yt, ,"0):0 '1-ør~'à-~ in ij, :Ùn~ dl'!t,n~ pt'1.'/Ü :¡~¡l \H, th.¡¡ f;::J ¡:!t;(:>rly ltmit ,,·t Ù¡1ter F;t;røot ,(¡" tho pùj'l:\t (? f b(¡~irm:i.ng·; ",1!"Ùl Î)(,} Stoì?Pê/i U1) "w'l J:'GV<J¡J." rJl()0'iJd $'!J}JJ1 ~'ú0t nniJ çø äl'orù&udl1 I.<od the k'€;·id Pi:1.1'¡¡ tÛl<¡.ll ( ,Ht€10 to b.\1l B trl:Jc~ t co: :íJig'hm,l;Y. '0'11-.1 tn." I'I/¡Üd pl.tr¡; of tho ßüid . a1;raøt 0);' Hiei\w¡;q¡ k!h~lU "b~) ðtf,1¡:)o$oð, of, $olti cnnV'!'i;\,f;i\. t ü 1:0:;3 It:tUt~ \) as v, f<J:t'ø.ml ð. 01; :r thliJ px'ic!(:I or ßUIIl of OH1,~ ",X¡(] thf¡ }~6ØlJ-~~ ()lo:dt o£ (,hI) Sí.dfl. 'N)WllS1Üp rut,;:; ø¡¡;eClJ.tõ) ö.1. v; þ( and affixed the Corporate seal of the said have given this oertifioa IN WITJ.iJESS WHFIREOF as such Clerk I -ing of same. of having a By of Elgin appr oopy such By-Law Law passed by the County Council of purpose the County of is given for the Council meeting on 'che seventh day copy ,passed of July A.D. in regular open .19l3,and this 896 of the foregoing said Township of Malahide of By-Law Number Tha t .the is a true and exaot Malahide. the Munioipality of the Township of That I am the Clerk of do hereby oertify I.MahloriE.Lyon of the Town of .Aylmer in the Cðlanty of l<Jlgir. -&·.l4~:----·· _.~'&.~._l21~~Æb" :,tJ~;}anñ ~ ~jOVê¡¡ tl1 :fJïi.lHs:g:n :tn h"., ¡~ Op,))1 oJ: :Ypl',· '1;1'."'. ;;¡.!1 i)Olmoil ¡ . 19 .~ 1,,· ö ¡~øg-\~lf:¡,:t nJ{lO'~ ing 1;: J liP t1hl'1:'~ o t Jðo thortlto t:.nêl. t <) Y-:.~11J:MX ,,~~.~,.i,.4 ,': U'Yr))Ù~:I~t'J ~~e¿:t:t \))~ ·th \4 $êd.tL ~:,)Vin- ~]"dð. oonvøy..noø hi, i1t:r.m, t (J);' f~~ "!,1" ·'''WH'' . ;""A,;t:'J~.:"HC<¡iI<t1' a.tmple '~~o m·tQ øf ¡ì thl;t .'" " èd flal up -{ !1'f,d 'p@rt oj: olo¡,od ths