836 Gaunt'il . " OO"L1DCtl County 'Jhambers C 3t 1 81'k (rhorn8,s, )~ ,~n (.;,1..") If .N ovember, lardeD" J. 9 l3ji o t he C01.m l;y of' LIt In. i 'l'HAT f3 boreby Go J. in a,ppo f3t inted Cla .i. r ¡,oliai Le i ta 1l or or -Cor he the City r,/tun oJ iaipal Bt Oorpora ThorrlE.J> s be ion and rrl1e County Counc i 1 o th e Ooun ,. " Y of l~l Gnac t s \ Passed r~8 '.~ ovewber, 19 13 ['0 Appotnt a BY Oounty LÞ...1.' ; " Solic.itor NO 8:36