BY - LAW NO. 838.
To Provide f'or the Preservation and Protection of' Bridges.
Passed 30" January, 1914,.
Ths MUnicipal Oouncil of' the 60rporation of' the Oounty of'
Elgin enacts as f'ollows:
(1) Ne person shall tie or in any other manner
f'asten or attach any vessel. boat. tug. craf't. raf't or
timbers to any pier. abutment. pillar, support, f'ramework
or any other part of' the structure of' any bridge over which
the County COUtJcil of' the Corporation of' the County of' Elgin
has exclusive jurisdiction.
(2) Any person convicted of' a breach of' -any of' the
provisions of' this By-Law shall f'orf'eit and paÿ at the
disoretion of' the convicting Magistrate a penalty not exceed.
ing (exclusive of' costs) the sum of' 1i'if'ty Dollars f'or each
of'f'ence. and in def'ault of' payment of' the said penalty and
oosts f'orthwith. the said penalty and costs, or costs only,
may be levied by distress and sale of' goods and chattels of'
the of'f'ender, and in case of' there being no distress f'ound
out of' which such penalty could be levied, the convicting
Magistrate may commit the of'f'ender to the 60mmon Gaol of' the
County of' Elgin. with or without hard labor, f'or any period
not exceeding twenty-one days. unless the said penalty and
costs (if' any) including the costs of' said distress and of'
the committal and cen:v:"yance of' the of'f'ender to'the said Gaol
are sooner paid.
County Council Chambers. 30" January. 1914.
County Clerk. ~\J.~~
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¡ BY - L A.W lLUjlIBER
f --. -------- .-
Passed Janu8.Ty______.Jì..D. 1914.
. . . . . . . . . . ..
~rhe Munici:pal Council of 'the OOI'1?oration ()f the County of
~l' EN'OTS' f 11 .
.'. gJ.n. 11." as ,0. owe.·
1, NO person shall tie or in any other manner fas·ten or
attach any vessel, ooat. tug, craft, raft or timoers to any pier.
a'buttment, pillar, sUJ)por-t. f:rarnework or any other :paTt of the
structure of any Bridge over wh.ich the County Council of the Cor-
poration of the County of Elgin, has exclusive jurisdiction.
2. ANY person q,omricted of' a oreach of any of the :provisions
of this By-law shall forfelt and pay at the d.iscretion of the con-
victing Magis1irate a penalty not excee(ling (exclusive of costs) the
sum of Fifty Dollars for each offence, and in default of lJayment
of the said :penalty and costs forthwitll. the said penalty and costs,
or costs only, may oe levied 1JY clis tress and. sale of' the goods and.
chattels of the offender, and in case of there'l:Jeing no distress
found out of which such :penalty could oe levied the convicting
Magistrate may commit the offender to the Common Gaol of' the County
Elgin. with or without hard laoor, for any period uot exoeeding
I twenty-one days~ unless the said penalty and costs (i~ any) includ-
I ing the costs o~ said cli'3tress and of Ole hornmittal and conveyance
of the offeu(1..er to the s~d Gaol are sooner paid.
1 iIÞ
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! Clerk