BY-LAW NO. 846.
To Grant·Additional Aid to Schools.
Passed 12" June, 1914.
The Oounty Oouncil of Elgin enacts:
1.- That the sum of One Thousand Six H:undred and
Twenty-rive Dollars be granted to the following schools:
Aylmer Oollegiate Institute............ $ 650.00
Dutton High SOhool....................~ 650.00
Vienna High Sohool................ '. . . .. . 325.00
$ 1625.00
á..1ioN That the St. Thomas Oollegiate Institute be
, .
granted an amount equivalent to twenty per cent of the cost
of maintenance of Oounty pupils.
3.- That the grants to Oontinuation and Fifth
Class Schools be made on the basis of Twol'Jollars liLb.d One-
half to each dollar granted by the Government.
Oounty OQuncil Ohambers, st. Thomas, 12" June, i914.
00. Olerk. ~~.3fpJ